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Shark Fish'd Yesterday


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yesterday(wed6th oct)I took some friends visiting from England(as mentioned in fish'n chat)anyways cause we was shark'n extra berly we did have and out to browns we headed but as there appeared a rather nasty look'n rain storm we decided I'd avoid this and out wide of the canyons we go at the end of the day we had 1 run on a tuna but couldn't be identified we released a blue shark but seen some mako swimming in the trail seen lots of sunfish bluebottles and plenty of humpy's frolicking along with pilot whales that looked quite special and after we disposed of over 40kg of trap pilchards we give it best so's I set a course for "land ho" with stripy lures in tow hoping to provide a little more action for my Barmy buds that I did and managed a double hook up on 2flea yellowfin followed buy another and we did end up with 3flea yellowfin after all but the day had already been good in seeing sharks sunfish and whales with water temp 19+deg a glitter of hope exist's yet but for any tuna but they would want to be bigger than what we seen yesterday my pals had a good day and experienced something they can't back home next time they visit I want to get them a marlin as 3 flea tuna and a blue shark doesn't really cut it for me but I enjoyed giving them a day(that was a millpond I forgot to mention)out anyway and atleast we caught something...

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Any photos of the yellowfin

sorry mate I replied before but it never appeared or something went wrong I don't know?? yes I had photo's but my camera ended in a sink full of water I didn't care about the pics of the yellowfin as they wasn't worth taking photo's of cause they was fleas anyway but I was upset I had photos of the different species of whale swimming together and that you don't see very often but I'll ask my friends when I speak next to them what photo's they got..

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