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Kernell On Fire


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Hey guys!

Fished off Kernell with a mate of mine for a 3 or so hours friday arvo just trying a few different spots to see what was going on.

From the first cast i knew it was goin to be a great arvo as both me and my mate were on as soon as the plastics hit the water! after a brief fight and working out who will net there fish first we both landed a nice trev each :thumbup:

This theme basically lasted the whole arvo and the fish were feeding pretty aggressively with alot of foul hookups and takes on the drop, without exaggerating i recon we would of landed 40-45 fish between us, even though there was not anything of great size most of the bream were legal if not just under sized and a few decent sized trevs thrown in for good measure :yahoo:

All fish were caught on light 3lb leader and main line on any plastic we could chuck at them but mainly 80mm wrigglers and turtle back worms

Sorry for the crappy pics i was flat out un hooking fish and trying to get all my gear in some sort of order but ill have to invest for a decent camera for the boat soon as my phone does not do any of the fish justice








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Pete - yahoooooooooo what an insane session and I am very jealous :biggrin2: , I am glad we weren't having our fishing comp! With such a hot bite did you try any surface lures?

Mate i would of called you over to join in the fun! :thumbup:

I did try a few cast with a popper but it was very windy and choppy and the popper was diving but i recon if the conditions were right it would of worked well


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Hey Mate - sounds like a great session.

Went out Saturday morning before the forecast rain and southerly change. Sunday wasn't looking good so I had to go solo as the kids had their Saturday activities lined up.

My session was quite different - only managed one bream because all my offerings were taken by trevally or pike! The fish were hungry and were holding in the area (sensing the southerly change?). Tried some poppers and surface walkers near the mangroves at high tide but there was nothing. I left fish to find no fish so it was back to the weed beds again. I even got to experiment with 3 different rods to compare their fighting action. Most trevally were in the 30-32cm range with some 35cm. Pulled in a 45cm one towards the end of my session. Kept some and released many. Had a great time. Sad because my kids were'nt with me ...

May see you out on the water one day eh?

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Hey Mate - sounds like a great session.

Went out Saturday morning before the forecast rain and southerly change. Sunday wasn't looking good so I had to go solo as the kids had their Saturday activities lined up.

My session was quite different - only managed one bream because all my offerings were taken by trevally or pike! The fish were hungry and were holding in the area (sensing the southerly change?). Tried some poppers and surface walkers near the mangroves at high tide but there was nothing. I left fish to find no fish so it was back to the weed beds again. I even got to experiment with 3 different rods to compare their fighting action. Most trevally were in the 30-32cm range with some 35cm. Pulled in a 45cm one towards the end of my session. Kept some and released many. Had a great time. Sad because my kids were'nt with me ...

May see you out on the water one day eh?

Its great you found some fish mate! nothing wrong with trevs they fight great! That 45cm trev would of pulled some line thats for sure :thumbup:

Too bad i cant say the same for pike lol

You like using 3 inch grubs hey?

Mate let me know when your going out next and ill come say hi


Edited by Breambucket
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