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Rainy Sunday Blackfishing


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Hi Raiders,

I’d planned to have a fish with Rickster on Sunday morning, unfortunately he wasn’t feeling 100% and opted for a rest day. Thanks for the fantastic weed Rick, the fish loved it and hopefully we will have a fish together some time soon.

I headed off bright and early Sunday morning to see if I could find some Blackfish in the upper Georges as was originally planned. First stop was Chipping Norton lake, it didn’t take long for the fish to find my bait and over the next hour or so I caught about half a dozen small fish, two of them may have just been legal (all went back).Then the rain came down!!!

I moved a few kms down river to meet up with a mate and try a couple of other well known spots. At one of the spots, as the tide started to run out masses of weed drifted out of mouth of a creek……it was amazing to watch blackfish (heaps of them) slurping weed off the surface in less than a metre of water.

It was a good day apart from the pretty constant rain and we both ended up with a few nice fish for the table including three fish at 38cm. I didn’t get many pics because of the rain but I took a couple of pics of a big fat blackie that had been stuffing himself on all the floating weed.

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Hi Chris,

Originally sorry that i couldn't join you but when i saw the rain keep coming down, i thought to myself, what sort of people would fish in this sort of weather? Answer, blackfisherman. Glad the weed was put to good use and a shame that chippo still doesn't seem to have bigger fish yet. Nearly back to 100% and will we'll definetely join up at next opportunity.



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G'Day mate,

Thats a species we dont get up here in the North. They look pretty powerful, i bet they hammer. I heard you get them on weed. Do they ever take anything else??

G'day Lukeyboy83, yes mate these little buggers pull pretty hard and they never give up.....they're great fun on light tackle!! Most of the time they are targeted using weed for bait but from time to time they fall to squirt worms, nippers, bread, cunji, prawns and even soft plastics and blades.



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I drove past u guys and thought "3 blokes in yellow raincoats, waders, all the gear nearly waste deep in water, cold and its raining, THEY'RE MAD!!!

Great report mate and good to see they are still biting...


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Hi Raiders,

I’d planned to have a fish with Rickster on Sunday morning, unfortunately he wasn’t feeling 100% and opted for a rest day. Thanks for the fantastic weed Rick, the fish loved it and hopefully we will have a fish together some time soon.

I headed off bright and early Sunday morning to see if I could find some Blackfish in the upper Georges as was originally planned. First stop was Chipping Norton lake, it didn’t take long for the fish to find my bait and over the next hour or so I caught about half a dozen small fish, two of them may have just been legal (all went back).Then the rain came down!!!

I moved a few kms down river to meet up with a mate and try a couple of other well known spots. At one of the spots, as the tide started to run out masses of weed drifted out of mouth of a creek……it was amazing to watch blackfish (heaps of them) slurping weed off the surface in less than a metre of water.

It was a good day apart from the pretty constant rain and we both ended up with a few nice fish for the table including three fish at 38cm. I didn’t get many pics because of the rain but I took a couple of pics of a big fat blackie that had been stuffing himself on all the floating weed.

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well done

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