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Harbour Kings 12Th & 13Th On Fly


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Went out both days.On Friday I landed two rats and and was blown away down deep by a bruiser.My 25lb leader had no chance.

Today was excellent.Both days I saw very big fish.Today I landed an 82cm and a 78 cm king on fly. The bigger king went

back and I kept the smaller one.The pic is of the smaller king.


post-2678-080109600 1289646172_thumb.jpg

Edited by mgj
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That is such a gun effort gd work... I'm guessing the kingies were schooling up on the surface... Those two bigger ones would have put on a great fight... I have always wanted to try fly for kings im thinking that could be nxt seasons goal...

Just out of curiosity what fly did u use?

Congratz again on those decent kings...

SquidKing Combo

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Well done, Mark! Landing such fish with a 7ft stick already require some effort, let alone fly gear. :thumbup: I just started salt fly with a 10 weight setup and catching a king like that in the Habour is all I can dream of (and a combo like yours too, sage and galvan $:1sweatdrop:$ )

Did you use a sinking or intermediate line and sight casting at the kingies? Would love to learn more from you if you have the time.

@SquidKing Combo: the fly in the photo is a clouser, one of the most widely used saltwater fly patterns, I am not sure if MGJ did any special modification to it though :P


Edited by QVCiticaDSV
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Nice work Mark!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: . Greg hit your spot not long after, but by then they were very finicky! They were in his berley trail, but would not take freshly caught(<1hr before) or yakkas. Ahh well. Nice work with the fly, pity about your smoking :ranting2:


Dan and Greg,

You guys are the king gurus as far as I'm concerned,but it goes to show how smart and tough these fish are.God know's why those bruisers would reject Greg's fresh bait at that spot.


I used an 11wt Sage rod and Galvan reel.I'm waiting for that reel to fail (I've been waiting a long time), so that I can bring my unused Tibor and Sage reels out of their boxes.


Edited by mgj
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