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Hawks Nest And Port Stephens


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Hi all,

At christmas im heading up to hawks nest for a week. As you probably guessed, yes i will be fishing. Mainly in the myall river for bream, flounder and flathead aswell as jimmys beach for bream and whiting. We also go on a reef fishing charter. Mainly flathead, snapper, nannygai and pearlies. I was just wondering if anyone has been there recently or if anyone just has any tips about bait, lures, spots etc. I'm getting a jewie set up soon and i am yet to try under the bridge at tea gardens for a monster. Iv'e heard of many captures over the 20kg mark so i might just have to try my luck. I'm landbased but sometimes we hire a boat at tea gardens and go up to the mouth of the river. We tried beach fishing last year after hearing good things but it turned out to be a disaster. We didn't have the right gear eg: 7 foot rods and 4000 size reels. had the bait taken but didnt feel a thing as the rod was already buckled over from all the weight from the sinkers.

Any tips about charters or tips for gear would be greatly accepted and appreciated.


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Also, i have been to dark point just 20 inutes or so north of hawks nest and seen alot of life around. There is a small headland here and it stretches 50m or so out off the beach. Is this a good spot to spin for longtail, cobia and Mackerel aswell as tailor, salmon and bonnies???? im keen to try it out!

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