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Nth Head


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I fished Nth Head from the stones yesterday. Ah twas a beautiful day. Got there way late at about 10, it was mid tide but hey I wasn't at work so I wasn't too miffed. I tried the soft plastics with not much luck...a few Sergeant Bakers. Switched to bait. There were hordes of little stripy fish that would engulf my bait on the way down. So I switched to heavier lead which produced many a snag. So I spent the next few hours re-rigging then back to SPs. I waited til the next tide change then switched back to bait which then produced a few moderate trevally. I had a couple of bust offs and pulled hooks on god knows what. It all went quite so I went back to the SPs and had a massive hit then nothing...my lure was gone. So I fired up another one but nothing happened for a while. Then some dark mass started chasing my fast retrieve back...looked like a tuna type of shape, probably about 60cm. Anyways it nipped the tail and was never to be seen again. So a very long day on the stones for not much but still a good day.

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