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Silstar Crystal Blue 661Swh Or 601Swh


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Hi Guys,

I've just recently joined Cronulla RSL fishing club who go out monthly from Rose Bay on the Piranha. we fished in about 80-100M water using 1/2lb lead at slack water but needing 3/4lb once the current picked up.

for my first outing i used loan kit from the boat with an eye to see what everyone else was using before i went shopping for a boat rod.

After a chat with the skipper James (I’m afraid i didn't get his surname) he advised the Silstar Crystal Blue 661swh as a very good choice (in fact this was the rod he was using and he was pulling plenty of fish in. Unfortunately our chat was on the way back in so i didn't get a chance to try the rod myself.

Armed with this advice i marched off to the tackle shop to have a better look.

John from Fergo's confirmed that the Silstar was an excellent choice for general boat fishing offering great sensitivity but a solid rod for battling bigger fish. I was about to part with some $$$ when i mentioned the depth we were fishing and the weight we were using (3/4lb) at this point the advice changed to the 601swh which is 6" shorter (as under 3/4lb load the longer rod was already showing quite a bit of bend with just the sinker.

I'm inclined not to argue with the skipper (who was using the 6'6" rod himself ) but with not getting to try it myself in anger am now a little hesitant before parting with my hard earned funds.

The main use of this rod will be charter fishing but i'd obviously still like it to be a good rod for fishing in shallower depths with lighter leads. Am i asking too much for a single rod here ? Has anyone experience of either of these two models?

Thanks in advance for your help


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G'day Cluster,

If the charter skipper was using the 6'6" rod with heavy leads then you know it's going to do the job. A shorter rod isn't necessarily better suited to heavier lead.

Where the 2 will be most different though is that the 6'6" rod will be useful in keeping your line away from the hull of the boat. The shorter rod might be a little easier on your shoulders when fighting fish (or lead) up from the bottom.

Go with what you already know works though... the 6'6" model.

Cheers, Slinky

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who may come across this thread at a later date, i've picked the rod up and she's a beauty :) i stuck 3/4lb lead on the top eye to check capability and it only showed a minor bend but still demonstrated great sensitivity with a nudge. I'll post a final report once i use it in anger in 2 weeks.

thanks again Slinky for settling my doubts :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. I took the rod out for the first time today. First used with mono and 1lb sinker and very pleased with the action. Then tried with braid and the same weight. Fantastic feel and sensitivity easily handling the weight of sinkers and at one point bringing in a small Maco shark. What a brilliant rod :)

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