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The Weather's Shockin But The Cooks Is Rockin !


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Decided to give the Cooks River ago again today as the predicted early southerly did infact eventuate.

Solo once more and on the water by 5 am with my new trusty PFD which now feels pretty comfy.

Bream,jews flatties and trevally would be the target and with the wind howling I decided to head up river past Tempe and the Pacific Highway bridges.

Lately the bloodworm wrigglers have been smashing the bream and trevally as well as a heap of flatties so I stuck with what has been working.

Throw in a gold and black smiling jack and a few 4 inch jerk shads and I had all bases covered.

The bream were on straight away and whilst they werent big,30 cms was a good one for today they made up for in numbers with over 20 bream caught on both the smilin jack and the bloodworm wrigglers with a hidden weight.

I had given a few spots the once over with the bigger plastics and had no takers and had resigned myself to smaller fare for today.

At one particular bridge I had a spectator who turned out be MEH a member,nice to meet you and then tried to show off as my smiling jack got smashed right in amongst the pylons ZZZZZZZZZZZ straight on the leccy as I was only using 4lb gear and I was hoping to show my new friend a nice schoolie but alas just as I was about to net her the small hooks let go :1badmood: at least we both got a look at her on the surface before she dissapeared back too her hidy hole.

Plenty of hits and some decent flatties up to 50cms so all in all a pretty good day to be out on the water.

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Cheers Stewy

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Well done Stewy some fine looking fish there.Could you tell me what size wriglers you were using and what size jig heads weight and hook size.Good to see there is good fish in the River.

Cheers Steve

Gdayyyyyyyyyyyy Steve,

50 mil wriggler the small ones in bloodworm colour with a 1/20th hidden weight and No1 hook.

Cheers Stewy

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Bad luck on the jewie (I wanted a photo of it too)

I got well and truly dusted by something large a little further up a few weeks ago, I suspect it was a jew but didn't get a look at it.

Looks like a you had good session anyway.

I have to get motivated to start getting up early and go fishing before work again.

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Love your work Stewy :thumbup: those breambos look nice and healthy. What brand and where do you get those small hooks with the hidden weights?

The good old smilin jack is my go to HB for impoundment bass, looks like I might have to transfer it to my bream tackle box :biggrin2: .

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Bad luck on the jewie (I wanted a photo of it too)

I got well and truly dusted by something large a little further up a few weeks ago, I suspect it was a jew but didn't get a look at it.

Looks like a you had good session anyway.

I have to get motivated to start getting up early and go fishing before work again.

I was going to get you to take a piccy of the schoolie but alas small hooks dont hold all that well.

At least we both got too see it :thumbup: I thought it was a big flattie at first when I seen the tail come out of the water.

Cya on the water again real soon ,Meh

Cheers Stewy

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Nice work Stewy.Sadly i could not make it today as you know we have a strike at work and had to show some surport.But on the way i popped into the tackle shop and got a spare spool for my little reel and they had catana rods on special picked up a nice little spin rod.Cheers Stephen

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