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Harbour Tuesday Night Bash!


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gday raiders i have been a little bit quite lately on the fishing front as i have had a fair bit on and last week my daughter had a baby boy - 7lb 2oz and both doing great!

Anyway I was chomping at the bit to get out during the week so i managed to talk my girlfriend into coming out after I finished work on tuesday night. We hit the water around 11.30pm and fished until 2am and rosetta managed her first jew of 68cm. unfortunately my camera was at my daughters place so I dont have a photo. Heading out tonight for another go at a new spot so i will keep you posted if i do OK.


Edited by tide'n'knots
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Congrats Pete,

A new Grandson early Christmas present :thumbup:

Congrats to Rosetta on her first Jew 68cms is not a bad size for a 1st well done!!

I'm now Looking forward to finding the Jew in QLD!!!!

Hope to see a new PB for you this year pete!!!



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Hi Pete,

Good to talk the other day and congrats on the grandson. Future fishing buddy for you. I have been quiet too with way too much work so am looking forward to fish on Sunday. That's how desperate I am ATM to fish on Sunday. My least fav time to hit the water. As I write this the rain is pelting down again. Mh is pretty dirty and I think the fishing will be very average until it starts to clear in a week or two once the weather settles.


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