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Jervis Bay - 11/12/10


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Had my belated Father's Day present of a day fishing on Jervis Bay with one of the local fishing guides. With me was my oldest son and his girlfriend.

The morning started off by chasing squid for live bait. This was the first time I have really tried to catch these critters. What great fun. After a short time we had caught about eight. This was enough for live baits, later not to be needed, so a great feed.

We headed towards the entrance to the bay and started trolling a couple of different types of lures on 4kg tackle. Within a couple of minutes we were hooked up to some great salmon. We basically caught these all day with the largest coming in at 68cm. Total number landed is uncertain. But the best was that to our surprise a number of kingfish were in amongst the salmon. We managed to hook and land a couple. The largest went 80cm and this was caught on light tackle. What great fun.

We tried for snapper for a while but there was none to find although the sounder did show lots of schools of bait fish about. Hope to have photos of some of the fish posted later.

A day I will remember for a long time. It is always great to get out and fish but so much better when you catch some and you can share that experience with your family.

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