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Spinning Central West

Bream Mad

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Hi Raiders,

Seems like ages since I have posted a report (sorry) so here goes.

Had a very rare weekend off so decided to hit my beloved central west targeting trout for the first time with a spin rod.

Figured my bream and bass skills would be too much for those wiley trout. :biggrin2:

Good news is the drought has well and truly broken and what a site was Lyell, full to the brim! :thumbup:

Made my way to my fav stretch of the fish and was greated by semi flood brown water :mad3:

Flicked some lures but it was soon clear I would not have any luck in this torrent.

Gave Lyell a shot but too many V8 ski boats and howling wind.

I really thought of heading home and going breaming but I had one more river to try. The good old Cox's was my last stop and while it too was dirty and flowing at least there was some slower sections to have a flick.

Out of the dirty water had a follow from a rainbow and this gave me hope as I made my way upstream. I was targeting back eddy's and snags with a mx48 and pretty soon in a nondescript pocket the lure was inhailed by a monster brown :thumbup: The fight was on as the buck brown rolled over the leader but thankfully stayed out the raging current. Every time I got him close he would surge away, eventually I just grabbed him as the fight was going on too long. I dumped him on the grass and took these pics, a beautiful wild Brown Trout 51cm and 1.6kg, not bad :yahoo:


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Gday Kael, great brownie you have got there, I have been fishing the coxs for a while now and have had some luck with browns and rainbows to 6lbs, mostly on the fly but spun a few up using celtas as well.Great to see lyell with some water but I think the skiiers will over run the place for the rest of summer making the fishing difficult.Went to coxs river last week but it was in full flood, might give it a go in a few days when the flows have settled a little.Be nice to catch up for a fish if you have some spare time, cheers jamie

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Gday Kael, great brownie you have got there, I have been fishing the coxs for a while now and have had some luck with browns and rainbows to 6lbs, mostly on the fly but spun a few up using celtas as well.Great to see lyell with some water but I think the skiiers will over run the place for the rest of summer making the fishing difficult.Went to coxs river last week but it was in full flood, might give it a go in a few days when the flows have settled a little.Be nice to catch up for a fish if you have some spare time, cheers jamie

Wow 6lb from the Cox's what length to they get too?

Always thought the Cox's would proper from some good flows, have you fished it for spawners?

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Hi Kael, the biggest brown I have pulled out of there so far has been just a smidge under 6lbs and about 56 to 58cm in length measured next to the rod and checked at home as I dont carry a tape with me .A shortish fish for the weight but the condition was superb!I have seen a few fish around that size in the approx 2km stretch that I fish which is pretty amazing really considering it is a popular spot and very easy access.Unfortunately the last time I was there a spin fisherman was keeping pretty much everything that he caught of a reasonable size and although totally within his rights to do so I dont know how long it will take for these fish to be replaced naturaly.cheers Jamie

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Hey Troutboy that distesses me that an angler is ignorant of a trouts life cycle nasd the way they breed how the redds are susceptible to floods etcand the survival rate of the finglings is ther enot regulations on the bag and size here in NZ regs on trout are dependnat on the area and the population which they drift dive to ascertain. you ar elucky to have such a good wild population though we are luckier here my closest wild fishery ids 40 mins awayfrom home and the average population is 20 - 30 fish per kilometre averaging 4lbs! Hope the population is not knocked about too much and if they have a stable close season they should recover a 6lb brown in peak condition should be between 3 and 5 years old if there is a good food source.

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Hi Kael, the biggest brown I have pulled out of there so far has been just a smidge under 6lbs and about 56 to 58cm in length measured next to the rod and checked at home as I dont carry a tape with me .A shortish fish for the weight but the condition was superb!I have seen a few fish around that size in the approx 2km stretch that I fish which is pretty amazing really considering it is a popular spot and very easy access.Unfortunately the last time I was there a spin fisherman was keeping pretty much everything that he caught of a reasonable size and although totally within his rights to do so I dont know how long it will take for these fish to be replaced naturaly.cheers Jamie

Wow that sounds like very good condition (very fat). I actually was quite suprised at the condition of this fish had very thich shoulders and heeps of stamina.

It is a pity folks take such fish, surely if you are looking for a feed the 30-35cm stocked rainbows are your best bet for the smoker.


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Too right Kael, lyell,thomos and wallace are full of stocked fish ripe for the taking!I can only guess that bait fishos love a bit of peace and tranquility as well.I did offer a suggestion of the local stocked waters but it fell on deaf ears :thumbdown: Lets hope after the flow subsides we get a good spawning season, cheers Jamie

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In general I agree in that I don't like watching spawning Trout being taken or large amount being caught (you know how much I love Trout) but at the same time you need to remember that these lakes are heavily stocked. In fact for the Rainbows to survive they need to be stocked as it is generally to warm for them to spawn efficiently as they run later in the season and that is regardless of river flow etc. Lyell and Thommos are both heavily stocked and I am not sure the addition of specific stocked waters adds great value to casual fisho's. Sure, some the amazing Fly waters in Vic and Tassie (Millbrook and London Lakes etc) are awesome waters but they do cost that little bit extra to fish. The one near Marulan (Flyfisher Lake) looks good but I am not sure how it is performing from an economic point of view.

The fish running the Cox are coming from Warragamba, a closed lake. Imagine the head of fish in there! Now that appears to be one of the few successful wild Rainbow fisheries in the state, no stocking going on at all.

Luderick-angler, spawning time for Browns is a long way away. They wont begin their runs here until May approx, all though the floods may trigger fish to move into the rivers but it will be way to early for spawning.

Oh and by the way, that is a cracker of a Brown Kael in superb condition. I am really looking forward to the next few months of Trout fishing, Lyell full, Pejar full (filled this week and apparently the BIG trout chasing smelters are back), TCD coming up, Jindabyne full, Tantangara higher than I have ever seen it, Eucumbene coming up and the rivers with water again. Best season in ages for the new PB ;-)



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Really?! That early? Wow, our rivers will be generally waaay to warm for Trout to get that spawning trigger until winter is close. All though it did snow last night (and forecast tonight) in the Snowies I doubt it would trigger a run.



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