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Fishing Pittwater Over The Last Couple Of Weeks


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Hi Raiders

Thought i would give you an insight to my fishing in Pittwater over the last couple of weeks...

Firstly i would like to ask, Where are all the squid?

Over my last four or so sessions my mates and i have spent at least 3 hrs per trip in pursuit of these kingie sweets but have been unsuccessful everytime bar one where we got a little squid... I would love to hear how other raiders are going with squid in Pitty...

Secondly, despite being unsuccessful with only one live squid last week me and two mates headed out... pulled up at our favourite mooring and started burleying hard... within ten minutes or so we had our first hook up on a little rat king on our squiding gear we were using for yakkas... put on abit of a fight but came up really small at like 55cm... We managed one more at this size and regardless of its size proved an achievment... we then put down the live squid we worked so hard for... withn five minutes my mate had a king on his billion dollar fandangle setup, saragossa 18000 and jigwrex, but despite its capable 22kg of drag pressure was busted off... i couldnt help but laught as he gives me so much crap when i use my fpluger torsion 80... haha my only comment "what did that 22kg of drag pressure do for you!"

Anyways continued to burley, then i had a touch, then another and another on a yakka i had down... i brought it up to see if i had lost it and as it approached the surface so did a school of kings all around the 60cm mark... once again out comes the light outfits, 4lb braid and 8lb leader and on goes poppers, pilchards, knifejigs, sluggos, etc... lots of follows but not a touch... then i put on a yakka hook and on goes a squid tentacle and within seconds onto a decent king not legal but hard work on light gear... Soon enough all three of us were on and having a ball... I droped two and landed two and my mate landed one... Our biggest was 63cm... Then i got another king on my heavy outfit on a squid head... Not a bad effort consideriing a wreck bellow and such light gear... Anyways the kings died off and then went and chased some bonnies and had abit of fun...

What can i say that was one of our best days fishing yet, despite no legals...

Thirdly, 3 days ago me and two other mates, one a rookie went out again in Pittwater in search of kings... Tried again for squid but nothing after 3hrs so decided to head out for a troll around barrenjoey... As we passed he head we ran into a massive and by massive i mean massive...hahah... school of salmon.... Soon enough we were pulling massive salmon and bonnies out from the school... They were very enertaining for 2hrs and managed 15 massive ones, 5 of which i am turning into fish curry and fish cakes... My other rooki mate was estatic at the fish and had a ball puytting him onto them... yew

So over the last couple of weeks i have had a great couple of sessions in Pittwater, definately ones to remmember... I will post some pictures and maybe some videos however their is alittle swearing... so maybe not pm me if you wanna see light gear screeming and ill show you... Yew

Cheers SquidKing Combo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't agree with you more on the squid front, a couple of months ago they were plentiful now you're lucky if you get just one. I thought it may have been a time of the year thing as they're definitely thin on the ground at present.

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