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Botany Wahoo!


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Hi all,

Headed out on Sunday morning through Botany heads, the swell had a huge period which made for an initial comfortable run out, then the wind picked up a little and with the raging currents we some pretty sharp seas.

we hit the 70fathom line and the right rigger goes off screaming its tits off. I strapped on the gear and we had no idea what we were facing, fast blistering runs, the call was a bull dolly but it there was no breaching action, the fish was stubborn and after about 10mins the trace popped up, still no sign of the fish though which burried her head down, next thing she pops up and we see the beautiful electric blue bars across her, WAHOO!!! The gaff went in after a couple of attempts and we were extremely lucky that the hook pinned her in the corner of the jaw, she went 160cms and around 15-18Kg Very exciting..

once the wind had subsided the swell calmed down and the sun decided to poke its head out, a beautiful afternoon was to be had. but not fish were found..

Did happen to see someone in what looked to be about a 25ft bertrim hooked to a large marlin the went ape and then dove down, saw them fighting with what looked to be hours, with the currents at 3.5knots they would have ended up in Kiama if they didnt get her up...

anyway a good day was had and my first ever wahoo! and catching her off Sydney made it all that much more memorable..

Tight lines!!

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Great fish cheech!!!

I love catching hoo, its even better when you see them jump 6 foot out of the water onto your lure then screem off!

Ill never forget how good it was to see my first hoo jump clear out of the water higher than the boat i was in!!!!

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Hi Checch,

Top fish their mate! :thumbup: You'll get a few fillets out of her for sure! :biggrin2:

It looks like a serious boat that you were on! Was it a charter boat? You were very lucky to land her without a wire trace!

I also caught a smaller Wahoo on Thursday and will post once I get the pics from my mate…

Well done on an awesome first Wahoo! :yahoo:



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