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Rod for popping and stick baits


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Hi guys, first time i've posted here.

Just recently bought a Stella 5000SW and am looking for a rod.

Will mostly be throwing poppers and stickbaits at pelagics from a boat in sydney.

Spent about 2 hours in the local testing out rods without making a final descission, thought i'd jump on here and see what you guys think.

Really like the Hot's GIPANG Tide Lez. 67M but it's about $900 here, the other rod i've looked at is the Smith KGS-70MH.

Lastly, has anybody had any experience puchasing rods overseas? I know I can get the Hot's shipped over from singapore for US$500 but it seems to good to be true.

Thanks in advance,


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Try looking into the Ripple Fisher or Zenaq range. They are offered locally.

I really like the Zenaq Fokeeto Tuna or Twitch range. Zenaq and Ripple roll their own blanks if thats important to you

Thanks for the info. I've had a look at both of them online (more so Zenaq because of price), the reason that i'm leaning towards the Hots is because i've actually held it with a 5000 stella on it and it was REAL nice.

I'd be hesitate to order in and buy a rod that i'd never held. I was sold on the Nitro Godzilla till i saw it in the shop, completely wrong for what i want to do.

Do you know of any tackle shops in Sydney that might stock said rods?

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