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Harbour Sat


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Gday, went out yesterday with a mate, first stop was squid and I was super confident having landed 10plus squid every outing for the past 6 trips. Today however got to the first spot and the water seemed dirtier than usual (anybody else find that?). Anyway long story short managed one measly squid in two and a half hours at heaps of different spots. At one spot in particular they were there, would follow the jig to the boat and i would pause the retrieve. The squid would then go for the jig in the middle (away from the spikes) and for the life of me I couldn't land them, they would just grab the jig and then let go very quickly. :ranting2: Anyway ran out of time so went to do what we could with the one squid we had, the head and two strips lasted all of about 5 seconds at the sticks before rats engulfed them, was a bit of fun but thoroughly disappointing not being able to catch any more bait. Anybody struggle on the squid yesterday?

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