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Botany Bay, Captain cook Bridge


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Hey Guys, found the site while trying to find some recent reviews on the bay, a grea resource indeed!

Been trying to land the elusive jewfish under the captain cook bridge for 3 nights now.

after hooking an eel, hooked up soon after to find a 60cm jewie. this was on the runout tide.

that was thursday night, had another crack friday night until bout 1am, only another eel, then pulled an all nighter saturday night but nothing.

I guess the only consolation was there would have been at least 6 boats each night and i did not see anyone land or hook any fish other than the one i caught for the 3 nights.

Gave up on the bridge and headed to the bay soon after sunrise this morning, first stocked up on a few yakkas at mol. point, cruised past the 10 or so boats already lined up, didnt look like there was any action so headed out near little bay trolling a livie but nothing.

bit of drifting but no luck. came back in and set anchor at the drums, again no luck.

I dont know if it just wasnt my week!

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i was there saturday night got only a 50cm soapie I was behind the 3rd pilon from the left.

at least someone had a bit of luck hehe, yea i was just behind(botany bay side) the 3rd pilon from the sansouci side.

I caught the other one on squid strips, tried yakkas and squid strips saturday night no luck.

Im thinking my gear may be too heavy, as i caught the eel and the jewie on a light rod i had setup for catching live bait that i just put a 4/0 and squid strip on.

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at least someone had a bit of luck hehe, yea i was just behind(botany bay side) the 3rd pilon from the sansouci side.

I caught the other one on squid strips, tried yakkas and squid strips saturday night no luck.

Im thinking my gear may be too heavy, as i caught the eel and the jewie on a light rod i had setup for catching live bait that i just put a 4/0 and squid strip on.

Yeah you prob saw me, I was that idiot that couldnt get his boat anchored, it took me 3 runs before i realised that my chain on the anchor was not in the correct position, eventually my girlfriend and I both fell asleep for awhile, then packed up and left shortly after 12 pm. I think i remember seeing you on the otherside.

Edited by Rafinx
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Yeah you prob saw me, I was that idiot that couldnt get his boat anchored, it took me 3 runs before i realised that my chain on the anchor was not in the correct position, eventually my girlfriend and I both fell asleep for awhile, then packed up and left shortly after 12 pm. I think i remember seeing you on the otherside.

haha, i was too busy making sure i wasnt gonna hit any other boats as the tide changed and we all swung around, damn it gets crowded!

what time you hook on if you dont mind me asking?

yea if theres one thing great about fishing that bridge its how relaxing it is i was there till the morning.

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surprising enough i got him just after the sun was down, wasnt even dark so around 8 ish. i should of recorded the info of the catch but forgot, it was the run in tide tho, and yeah your right it is kinda crowded, but beats fishing landbased there.

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