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Botany bay 30.1.2011

jim bream

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You guys are going to hate me , i went to St georges basin on the weekend and got good bream at night in water depth of half a meter . We had the motor up as we walked the boat in . We got bream over a kilo and didnt need to net the fish as the phosphorus was so bright you could see them . We would bait our lines after a fish and cast again in the same spot to hook in within seconds , it didnt scare the fish at all .All im saying is that i have never had any trouble with it. Cheers

Hey Funny,

Perhaps these bream are not fearing for their lives if exposed by the phosphorescence.

If they know bigger fish can't get at them (water too shallow, barred tributary entrance, etc) then they won't be fussed.

Who knows. Also, if these micro-organisms (dynoflagellates) are taking up oxygen, perhaps not taking up much as the current is replenishing the oxygen ?

And like it was just stated - fish gotta eat.

I think it's a matter of learning the effect of each of the variables we find present on each trip and asses the situation on a case-by-case basis.

If phosphorescence is present and no bites - move, but if they are biting, stay...

Very interesting conversation....

Keeps us thinking....

Any photos of them big breamsssss ?


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Hey Keflapod,

Along time off the seen for me buts It's good to see your on to the Chicken big time now, a lot cheaper then worms so when did you finnally convert, Just curious was it our conversation a year or so ago? (Issa)

Hey Issa !

Long time no hear from you!

I emailed you for no response a long time ago..

I thought you had collected all secrects of the fishing universe and didn't need us any longer...

I had known about the chicken for years but never gave it much of a go, because you can't catch whiting on it.

But you did inspire me to give it a more serious go and I have.

It works mainly in low-light or no light fishing but occasionally during the day as well.

I always bring some but not a lot as the worms do really well for me.

Have you been fishing your spot (I won't say it here) during the night on chook and catching fish ?


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