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Quick sesh at windang


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Got out on saturday morning for a quickie on lake windang

was on the water at about 630

when i got out there went and pumped some nippers , gun bait :D

was fishing alsong the channel markers with not much success just undersize fish

by about 830 we had no fish to show for our efforts , the fishing was tough

we then spotted a shallow channel behind a little sand bar and i decided to flick a little hard body , on about my 3 cast i hooked up with a just legal flattie ( 39 /40 cm ) but it was better then nothing the way we were going

after continuing with the hard body in the channel one more undersize flattie came from it so i thought it was time to move on , while we were packing up i flicked a unweighted niper out , just as i picked up the rod to wind it in the drag started screaming it too soo many good runs and fought well above its size picked up a 32 cm bream which i was happy with : )

heading back to the boat ramp we decided to have one last drift with the plastics and BANG we were onto a 50 cm flathead , not a massive fish but like all the fish we caught today they all managed to be great fun on the light gear

back to the boat ramp by 11:30 with 1 bream 32cm . 40cm flathead . 50cm flathead

not a bad day out : )

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Hi my son and I had a fish on Saturday & Sunday at windang we didn't do as well as you we got 3 30cm odd flathead and 3 just undersize Bream on Saturday. But the best part was we had some old chicken breast that I was using for burley my son had some on his hook and Bang the reel started screaming with the light gear and social fishermen that we are, i just had a laugh watching my son trying to stop this fish with no hope, best 15 second in the boat for years. I'm saying it was a jewie or maybe the Hammerhead they seen 2 weeks ago in the channel.

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Lungfai yes it was low tide , and your probally right about heading down in the evenings was soooo packed down there

havent heard anything about the jewfish down there but give it a go mate , looks like it would hold them

Get the net : hahahah at least you guys got out there and had a go , might of been a good fish even the undersize fish i caught were all fighting hard ?

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