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Fishing Browns Mountain Bottom


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Hi Raiders, I have a sudden urge to drop 400 odd meters to the bottom of the sea to try my luck to catch any of ooglies that call browns sea bed home. I have fished browns many times before but only ever ontop, I dont have the gear to fish the bottom but am going to give it a try!

I have been reading a few old posts and from what I know thus far is: I need 200LB braid, about 7P weight, 600 meters of line and a heap of damn elbow grease!

Im not planning of using a lecky so it going to be a manual lift. Is this possible?

Im looking for some direction, help, advice or whatever you can share raiders, Im also willing to take along anyone that has experience with this type of fishing and is also willing to share some sacred spots. :)

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Hey Billy

Did a bit of this 10 years or so ago while tuna fishing. We used a bent butt rod so we could fish it out of the rod holder or more comfort strapped in a harness for the wind up.

We used 80lb braid/dacron 130lb leader and 3 droppers. We fished pretty light as once we had a 130/250leader out and got it stuck on the bottom. It pulled the rod holder out of the side of the boat causing damage. Light will break off before that happens again.

We also rubber band or lighter 40lb leader for sinker connection just in case too.

We used squid/slimmie cocktails for bait and back then we did notice a better catch rate with baits that had GlowBait on them.

Oh and we used a glow stick, one of the big ones from dive shops or rave parties :biggrin2: at the top of the rig.


Edited by GregL
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good stuff Billy time to whip out the stella 20k and pump the cannons

i no a few guys that use the big 20ks for a few drops at browns but they only manage a few

ill flick you some marks once i look over my charts

what sounder do you have on the new boat will it be able to track the bottom at browns?

Edited by Framedtrash
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We did a bottom bash at Browns on a charter boat once. Capt put some downrigger sinkers on the rig, but the 1st 3 that went down got bitten off.

We eventually switched to some home-made sinker rigs in a different shape (I think they were window weights) and this stopped.

Hand reeling was far superior to the rod that had the winch.

Final tally was 5 gemfish and 1 frostfish as tall as my wife (including a double hookup).

It's a VERY long haul back up to the surface. Make sure you have some beers to reward yourself for the hard work. :biggrin2:

Good luck!


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