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Successful weekday lure session in the Georges

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Hi Raiders,

I was fortunate enough to have a long weekend and decided to fish on Saturday and Monday. On Saturday Bassboy and I headed out to Woolooware Bay for a final crack at the surface bite before the water gets too cold. The weather and tide were perfect; however the action was slow with only one decent bream caught via a surface lure. Bassboy caught this nice bream hard up against a floating oyster rack.

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I am not sure what has happened to the surface bite this year.

I resorted to casting HB lures into the remnants of the oyster racks with the result of 1 x bream caught and 2 lost HB lures……both HB are now bling attached to bream hiding amongst the racks :1badmood:.

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For the second weekend in a row I also caught some flatties amongst the racks with HB lures. Check out the fresh scars on this flattie…I reckon it has survived a shark attack.

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After the fish went off the bite in Woolooware Bay we headed to Taren Point and the Drums to fish the run in tide for little success before the wind arrived. We also chased a school of large tailor near Tom Uglies as they busted up small baitfish; unfortunately they were not interested in any of our offerings.

Mondays fishing session was confined to the Georges River on account of the predicted southerly due for about 10am. Bassboy and I hit the water just before 6am so that he could get some time on the water before going to Uni. The conditions were perfect and we focused our efforts on the area between Sandy Point and Kelso Beach.

We headed to some flats near Kelso to work surface lures and small SPs. Bream immediately started to hit Bassboys surface lure but just werent connecting. I used small SPs using my finesse gear (4lb leader and braid) and on the third cast of the morning I was rewarded with a nice EP.

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The flats continued to produce fish, with this fat 35cm Black Bream and Trevor falling victim to a Squidgy Wriggler. Both gave a great account of themselves on my finesse gear.

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Bassboy had to depart early to attend Uni lectures so I dropped him back at the ramp and returned to find the tide had dropped substantially. As a consequence I worked the drop offs and holes for another Trevor and a decent flattie.

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Fortunately the flattie was hooked on the lip so it didnt chew through my 4lb leader.

The southerly came in at 10am as predicted and ended the session. It was a fantastic morning with constant action throughout…..it was great to be out on the water during a weekday and I was surprised by the mixed bag of fish (all were released the fight another day), especially the Trevors so far up the Georges River.

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Edited by Basscatcher
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Nice report mate. Decent catch there up the river. Ive actually caught salmon up that far on more than one occassion which i had heard about in the past but never believed until i seen it myself so i guess trevs up that way may not be too uncommon either?

See you out there


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Nice report mate. Decent catch there up the river. Ive actually caught salmon up that far on more than one occassion which i had heard about in the past but never believed until i seen it myself so i guess trevs up that way may not be too uncommon either?

See you out there


I remember you telling me about that Salmon.... I caught a little Tailor near the Liverpool weir yesterday, couldn't believe my eyes.


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I remember you telling me about that Salmon.... I caught a little Tailor near the Liverpool weir yesterday, couldn't believe my eyes.


Its very common. Ive got a little creek behind my place which normally has mullet and carp and at the moment its infested with black fish and bream, huge schools and big sizes too. I think the salinity levels are high we havnt had a decent dump of rain for a while.


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Hey guys,

know what you mean.

I got a 43cm trevor on a little blade at the moons last year.

Thought WTF you doing here!

The georges can be surprising some times.

Funny though ...haven't seen any 60cm snapper up there!



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Hey excellent catch there Basscatcher. That black bream is fat! Trevally that far up the river too! Wonder if the trevally season is back again. Can't wait to target them again.

You're not wrong with the surface bite - after the excitement of last year, most of my new surface lures have been languishing in the tackle box but my trusty Hardz crank has been getting a good run ...

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I fish the georges (land based) for bream and whiting, usually go well on prawn, tried out plastic's they work but i only end up with bream 26cm being the biggest ive caught there and whiting biggest being jus under 30cm... not big fish at all.. nothing like what you guys where catching... hmm might have to take another rod tonight and see how the lures go again.

Anyone interested in coming just PM me. Fishing near picnic point boat ramp.


Mr.KS aka Jez

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