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Manly Dam


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Hi there

I know its a few years book now , but do you have anymore info on the Redfin ( English Perch ) ? I have caught loads of small Bass and was wondering if you could use them as live bait for the Perch ? If not is there any other small bait fish in Manly dam i could use for them ? Thanks.

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Firstly i'm not sure why you want to consider using a bass for a redfin but then again i'm a bass zealot. The size of the redfin in manly dam is small and while they are quite a few fish there I've never seen one over 10 inches.

It's been a while since i've last fished there but we used to do really well fishing celtas and tassie devils for them.

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Hi there

I know its a few years book now , but do you have anymore info on the Redfin ( English Perch ) ? I have caught loads of small Bass and was wondering if you could use them as live bait for the Perch ? If not is there any other small bait fish in Manly dam i could use for them ? Thanks.

I dont see the sense in using a great native sportfish as live baits to catch an introduced pest. That wouldnt even be legal would it, surley not.

its got me baffled :wacko:


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The use of live bait is still governed by the 'legal size limit' rules. If a bass is too small to keep, it is too small to use as bait. This is a very important issue that tends to get overlooked by some fishos, especially when using tailor for live bait. It is illegal to have undersized fish in your possession, whether it be for bait or otherwise. Legal size limits can be found here:

Bag and size limits

Grab a handful of small blades, ondex or celta spinners, or sx40's and have a crack at the redfin that way :thumbup:



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