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Hi I'm looking for a way to store game rods while they are not in use while the boat is being towed and when in the water.

I think my options are:

1 - The obvious rocket launcher: but I would have to take the rods out when towing anyway plus they seem fairly costly (for a decent quality one). What are the other advantages of having a rocket launcher other than building some sort of t-top into it?

2 - A stainless bait board with a few rod holders (I was thinking of attaching lanyards to all the rods while not in use in the trolling rod holders: The issue I have with these is that they seem to only come with 3 holders and I plan on storing 6 game rods, plus the other lighter rods:

3 - Some sort of rod rack bolted to the rear to hold them

4 - Horizontal storage racks on each gunnel - however i find it annoying getting the rods in and out of there as the seats get in the way of the longer ones. Might be ok for the game rods though.

*Underfloor storage isn't an option as my fuel tank takes up most of that space and the rest is a cabin.

I've seen some pretty good ideas/designs by raiders over the years and was wondering if anyone has a clever but inexpensive solution to storing rods or might be able to give me some important 'do's and dont's'




Sorry I think that link may have been blocked:

If you want to view the bait board just search 'stainless steel bait board' on the obvious online auction site.


You should try calling Gary from Seriously Stainless, he can make one up to suit your needs and at least you'll know it's made well and will last a lifetime, not like the junk you can get from those other places you mentioned.

Gary's work is second to none, top quality at reasonable prices.

And yes the link you tried putting up gets blocked for obvious reasons.


Cnr Wiblin and Vore St, Silverwater NSW 2128


Rocket launchers, custom made live bait tanks, tuna tubes and anything else stainless steel you need

Gary Bricknell

  • PH 0438264377
  • FAX 99480541



I have contacted Garry and about rocket launchers and have no doubt he and his company's work is top quality but unfortunately custom launchers were a bit out of budget for something that just stores rods only while underway, which is why I was looking for a cheaper and maybe more appropriate alternative.


I went with the "cheaper" alternative and lost $600 worth of rod/reel.

This is why i'm now going to spend the $$$ and get Seriously Stainless to make me up a quality product.


I went with the "cheaper" alternative and lost $600 worth of rod/reel.

This is why i'm now going to spend the $$$ and get Seriously Stainless to make me up a quality product.

Cheers, Thats the sort of advice I was looking for. I generally do stick with going for the best quality I can afford rule when it comes to fishing/boating but every now and then you hear stories of the odd low cost alternative working out in the long run and was hoping to hear of some products like that but I didn't have high hopes.

Where do you store your rods when they aren't in the rocket launcher?




I've got the same as cut_loose but when under way or when fishing the rocket launcher was good.......until the damn thing decided it was going to relieve me of one of my rods.

Posted (edited)

I have the same issue, and have been cruising the web and found this ***** towards the bottom is a gadget that screws to the coamings with 3 x rod holders and room for a knife and pliers.

I am going to try one. **** have the two rod holder post-15336-006136200 1300960436_thumb.jpg for $90 thereabouts in their winter catalogue.



Edited by Fezza
non sponsor links removed
Posted (edited)

I also have the same as CUT LOOSE only 6 (these are great when underway but these are a pain in the arse when your fishing,, I then move these rods up onto the Rocket launchers when fishing),, BUT I also bought 2 sets of rod holders (which hold 5 rods) which I cut down a little and I have mounted them horizontal, if you look at Cut looses' boat (my boat is nearly the same set up) I have 3 rods sitting in behind the 3 rods he has standing up only mine are horizontal,,,going from where he has a knife mounted going forward (2 rods face one way and the rod in the middle faces the other)......and then the same on the other side.

NOW the rod holders i bought are the best because they are adjustable,,, they are on an Aluminium track and the rod holder 'loops' and 'hooks' have an allen key in the middle and you can slide the loop or hook up or down and then lock it off in the position you like.

here is a link to see the rod holder


You can call me 0414334412 if you need advise as to how i did mine or if you would like to see my boat how they fit???


Edited by idolz

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