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Went out on the Hawkesbury and came across lots of small schools of Frigate Mackrel. I got one 3rd cast on a 10g raider but after that nothing. I used nearly every lure and every fly in my box but couldn't jag another one.

Fished them for maybe 3hrs.

I also found this with some watsons bonito on the harbor Monday.

Just wondering if anyone has any tips or lure selection they can recommend.

Just thought I'd ad I am experienced and not a hack so know the technics and what not.

I will post a pic when I'm back in Sydney just writing this on the iPhone from the bush.

post-17998-076103900 1303024375_thumb.jpg

Edited by Kurt Thomas
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I hear your pain, they are a frustrating fish and any time I have targetted them with lure or fly I have struggled.

Only two I have caught were lucky 1 offs, even had a guy catch one on a jackall chubby from my boat. So no tips from me.

Cheers Dave

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I have been using a soft plastic Izumi pintails on a light jig head with success lately. Have found both frigates and watsons hit them hard when they are not taking metal lures.


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