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Molli Point 18.4.2011


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Went for a spin on the bike today at 12 and was up on the road way having a smoke and the amount of fish or should say the size of the school was huge. They were very very close to the break wall concrete blocks with the odd mullet jumping out ,but as for surface action was next to zero. Tryed to get a pic on the iphone but it was to far away and hopping on those blocks wouldnt have been a great idea in motorcycle boots. They are there if any one is keen to have a crack at them.

Edited by stevo-72
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The bully mullet were schooling up around Bear island on Sunday evening and I caught two on a metal slug whipped quickly through the school. Biggest mullet I've ever seen, and fought like salmon.

First time I've caught mullet on a lure and I was very suprised to do so. A bystander told me it was a school of bonito so you can imagine my shock when the first one turned out to be a 2kg mullet.

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The mullet run in Botany is always good to watch, first of the autumn westerlies always brings them on. I remember when they used to net foreshaw just over 10 yrs ago. The blackfellas around Larpa used to love the first run as it fed a lot of the families. Think a few of the families were involved in the netting as well. Once they run to see they come back in exactly 3 days and follow the same course back in. They are never interested in bait or anything else for that matter, they only way to get them is jag with a metal slice. They taste better after they purge anyway.

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Sorry all i shouldnt have said that JAG word, really i was casting a metal lure at the fish but they got hooked up the wrong way, besides what fisheries officer is going to be worried how you caught them anyway. " Yes officer i was casting my lure, unfortunately the fish missed the lure and i caught him in the head" How many people here have caught fish but have not been hooked in the mouth, but in the head, eyeball, fin etc etc? So in reality you have jagged the fish, am i wrong in this assumption? Just asking. Not stirring the pot.

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Sorry all i shouldnt have said that JAG word, really i was casting a metal lure at the fish but they got hooked up the wrong way, besides what fisheries officer is going to be worried how you caught them anyway. " Yes officer i was casting my lure, unfortunately the fish missed the lure and i caught him in the head" How many people here have caught fish but have not been hooked in the mouth, but in the head, eyeball, fin etc etc? So in reality you have jagged the fish, am i wrong in this assumption? Just asking. Not stirring the pot.

I think its more to do with the use of purpose built multi hook jigs that looks like treble but with 12 hooks. but yeah its against the law to purposly jag any fish with intent.

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