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Roseville/Echo Point report


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Hey guys,

Went down for a fish at the roseville bridge today. I was armed with mullet,squid and prawns. The place is absoluteley overflowing with fish.There were schools of tailor and salmon busting up with more mullet than you could poke a stick only meters from the shoreline. During the day we only managed 3 bream and 2 tailor. The downside was all of them were undersize. The biggest of the bream going 23cm and biggest tailor 25cm. Lost a brute of a bream on the oysters a few meters from shore though. The people around us caught legal leatherjackets and small tailor as well. After the squid had been out for about 2 hours it got a hit and line was peeling off the reel at an unbeleivable speed. It took about 100m of line before the line snapped. What a shame. Now, off to narrabeen with the family on the weekend. Hopefully we can snag a whiting or two!

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Hi Mate,

I was there last week 4 days in a row launching. It was alive with bait fish and a great starter to get yakkas and some os poddy mullet to take out in the harbour. With the water the way it is now after the rain and the tides you'd be a sure bet for a jew or two with some livies out there.


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