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keping jig heads/hooks from rusting


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Hi Guy's,

Anyone have any ideas on storing/keeping soft plastic jig heads in good order so they won't when stored? After use I place in the tackle tray but over time they start to get surface corrosion and affect others in compartment. I was thinking of dropping in some fish attractant before storing. Obviously WD40 is no use!!!!

Any suggestions appreciated.


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Agree with Mike, I rinse off my jigheads/lures in fresh water and store them when dry in a tacklebox. Instead of rice I tend to keep those little packets of silica gel beads that come with new shoes etc. Seems to work for me.. I lose far more jigs to snag monsters than I do to rust. :wacko:

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I keep them separate after use then:

Trim off any flouro tails that are knotted on to the eye

Wash in fresh water


Then smarten up the point with a little diamond file

Return to tackle tray

Same routine with the hardbodies

Cheers Blood Knot

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After most trips I give my boat a once over with soapy water.

I fill a big bucket up and then dip a rag in to wipe the boat down.

When the bucket is first filled I drop all the lures and jigheads that i used in the bucket.

Once finished I pull all of them out and hang them on a piece of foam glued to the garage wall, when dry I give them a light spray with inox and put them away.

Dont matter what you do though they all rust sooner or later.


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