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Monduran week

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Hey guys!

Went up to Monduran with the old man for a boys week away :biggrin2: It was a tough drive and even tougher fishing, the whole place basically has shut down after the cold front that came through just recently and with the recent floods any decent reports from the area have been few and far between

My cousin runs a holiday park near the dam so our accommodation was sorted so all we had to do was concentrate on the fishing :biggrin2:

Day 1...

Originally the plan was to go out with my cousins husband Rob who does charters up there but he had boat dramas so we went by ourselves the first day in his Polly with a 40 on the back.

Its a very daunting place and the amount of area and possible fishing locations we didnt know where to start! after loosing a couple of lures to snags and the wind came up real bad we decided to call it a day

Day 2....

The second day started off much the same as the first day with boat problem again and not much of a clue but we kept on trying. i did have one fish follow a topwater from that made my heart skip a beat but it shy'd away at the last moment :ranting2: but other than that nothing again

Day 3....

We hit the lake late arvo with Rob this time in his hornet trophy to take us to a few of his favorite locations. We could see barra in the deep on the sounder and a few here and there with the side scan but again no luck..

We tried Shallow sun drenched weedy bays with suspending Hb's top water lures for no luck, we tried in real tight timber with Hb's and lightly weighted slick rigs with no luck, we tried drop offs and windy points with slick rigs with no luck and even tried vertical jigging with blades over a school of bass and a few big archers in the deep with no luck again!

Day 4...

We decided to hit the water early and spend most of the day on the day exploring the system and Rob said if we still had no luck he would give us a little secret spot to try land based that apparently goes alright just befor dusk

Well you guessed it we tried out hardest again with no luck

So off to this land based spot after the spill way basically its a nice deep pool that formed after the floods with a nice steep rapid part out the back of it

Armed with my light gear the idea was to chuck small plastics and blades at the base of the rapids and see what we could pull out of the hole

A couple of lure changes later i chucked on one of my home made blades and with a great cast right into the "money zone" WHACK!!! i was on!

I definitely was not expecting anything like this and with only using 3lb braid and 6lb leadder on my bream gear i thought for sure i would of lost the fish but after a tense 5 or so min up comes the biggest bass i have ever seen :1yikes:

It ended up going 54.5cm which i think is a new raider record and i dare say it would of weight 2.5-3kgs

i have a few pics on a brag mat that i will upload as soon as i can work out how to do it with the camera but here is the bodgy one with me holding it that i had on my phone and a few others of random stuff from the week

Big Bass :tease:


My homemade blade that got me the fish


Wild life





Coral trout and salt and pepper squid yum !!!!


My favorite a massive pot of curry snags :thumbup:


Thanks for reading guys ill post up a few more pics and stuff when i get more of a chance this week


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A tough week Pete, but that is a crackin' bass! :yahoo:

Some terrific photos mate. I can attest to the effectiveness of your home-made blades. They have been very effective down here ... unpainted! :1yikes:



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A tough week Pete, but that is a crackin' bass! :yahoo:

Some terrific photos mate. I can attest to the effectiveness of your home-made blades. They have been very effective down here ... unpainted! :1yikes:



Cheers mate! it was tough but that bass made it not so bad :)

Thats good to know about the blades mate because ill be down your way in a little over a month for the southern bream series down there in the lake :thumbup:

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Bad luck about the barra Pete I reckon you were about a month too late

Very nice bass

Is that blade one you have painted?

Give me the coral trout anyday over curried snags

Edited by The Iceman
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Bad luck about the barra Pete I reckon you were about a month too late

Very nice bass

Is that blade one you have painted?

Give me the coral trout anyday over curried snags

Yeah mate thats one i have painted , i have been a little slack with them as of recent but ill get into them more soon and i have a few colour ideas ill try too

I still learnt alot from being up there and ill be up there again at christmass again so ill be alot more prepaired and ill start getting a fine collection of hb's befor then no doubt

In winter the curry snags and in summer the trout :biggrin2:


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Pete - bad luck about the Barra mate, but nice Bass :thumbup: . I am planning to visit Monduran in early October and I hope they are on the chew. Seeing the size of that Bass I will ensure that the Bass gear is also packed......it is a long way to drive for a donut.

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Pete - bad luck about the Barra mate, but nice Bass :thumbup: . I am planning to visit Monduran in early October and I hope they are on the chew. Seeing the size of that Bass I will ensure that the Bass gear is also packed......it is a long way to drive for a donut.

Apparently the bass are really hard to get in there on lure i was told. most people catch them on live shrimp under floats and you will hardly reconise the place with all the water in there now!

And yes it was a long drive but still worth the effort i recon :biggrin2:

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Congrats on the PB Bass - it's a monster!! Still fishing really light eh? Pity about the barra - still I bet you've learnt the lay of the land and will no doubt improve on you next trip up. Good luck on your upcoming comp ...

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That is one beast of a bass :1yikes: unlucky about the rest of the trip though. Still aslong as you enjoyed your time and by the looks of it the food :thumbup:

Cheers mate i cant wait to go back up there thats for sure!

Next time ill take my own boat up :)

Congrats on the PB Bass - it's a monster!! Still fishing really light eh? Pity about the barra - still I bet you've learnt the lay of the land and will no doubt improve on you next trip up. Good luck on your upcoming comp ...

Cheers mate have you been out much recently?

I do love my light stuff mate you should get into it too :thumbup:

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