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Balmoral 27/6/11


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G'day raiders,

Headed down to balmoral today around 8 for a fish seeing it was such a lovely day. Things were promising with the water crystal clear and even DOLPHINS! Not common here especially in Winter! Set up to catch some yakkas and tried for half an hour for only on trevally! I could see them in my burley trail but they wouldn't bite! My theory is they are more reluctant to bite in clear water as they are much easier to catch on a gloomy day or when the water is dirty. Gave up on the yakkas and sent a back up bait (being prawn) out. Left it for 5 mins or so and the line looked unusually tight like when snagged. Started winding in thinking it was an octopus but then comes up a big Blue swimmer! Surprised li got him in the net and took a snap as he was my biggest ever blue swimmer :thumbup:. Unfortunately while i was talking to a by passer he somehow got the hook out from himself and crawled away a meter to the edge of the wharf! I hear a splash and look and cant beleive my eyes! There goes dinner :ranting2: .

Rigged up again and fished for a few hours with only little bream and snapper up for a bite! My mate arrived later around lunch time and brought some burley and tried to catch yakkas. No luck again! sticked to prawn and after a good half an hour a solid hit on my light rod. The braid is peeling off the reel! I tighten the drag and feel some solid tail whacks! Thinking big Salmon after about 4 minutes up comes a BIG FLATTIE! I was screaming at my mate to get the net and he was too slow. My 8lb leader is shreded by the fishes gills and SNAP! I was furious! :ranting2: . This was a good fish and i would estimate him at around 65cm! DAMN! Kept fishing and had another good run but it also ended in tears when a 2 minute fight was ended with the fish busting me up around the pylons on 30lb braid! I was fishing with half a pilchard! Not much luck for me today at all! Kept fishing and managed a few bream about 23cm and an octopus. A relitively quiet day fishing wise and still gutted about that flattie!

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ah well at least there were some fish around!have caught a few of those crabs lately, they seem to be out in numbers!

Sucks about the flattie!


Havent got one a a while since january i think! Oh well, it hurts but its still out there to be caught!


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Bad luck on the flathead. Sounds like a nice day out though!

Yeh mate, ill give it another go in the next few days and hopefully get that flattie! Lots of rubish fish around atm too like pufferfish! Caught one that was so big that it snapped 30lb braid when being lifted out of the water!

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