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Jew fishing this Saturday night...


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hay raiders ..

After months of trying for jew me and my mate are going to give it another shot..

We will more then likely be fishing from a ferry wharf either kissing point wharf or woolwich or wherever ..just wondering if many Jew are around this time of year ?

We will be using either whole California squid as bait or yakkas if we can get any ..

Any tips would be great thanks...

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hay raiders ..

After months of trying for jew me and my mate are going to give it another shot..

We will more then likely be fishing from a ferry wharf either kissing point wharf or woolwich or wherever ..just wondering if many Jew are around this time of year ?

We will be using either whole California squid as bait or yakkas if we can get any ..

Any tips would be great thanks...

Mate in the winter i find that the bigger ones are about.

Fresh squid is the way to go i reckon but i hear that the california squid are also good.

All the best!

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If you can bear the cold then its worth giving it a shot.

The more you get out there the better your chances are of getting into the jew.

I was thinking of getting out there also but we will have to see how my week goes too early to plan.

as far as bait goes fresh is best so definately try putting in the effort and catch yakkas well worth it and if you have time through the week you could even try for squid.

but I have used california squid in the past and they work, good luck with it anyway remember persistence pays off!!!



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Hey mate,

Yeah as Nathan said fresh is best. So id be trying to definately get a bucket of yakkas with an airater to keep them live and kicking. Also really good bait would be fresh salmon fillet or tailor fillet. Live or really fresh squid works wonders, BUT always takes time to get a few for bait. If you like I wouldnt mind coming out for a jew session. Let me know where you fellaz plan on going and ill be more than happy to come along and have a good fish also give you guys some tips on how ive caught jews before. Rigs, bait etc.

I basically learnt everything I know from various raider members which has helped me caught some decent sized jews.

I have not yet gone out in winter for jews but I wouldnt mind having a go since I havent done it in a while.

Just PM or what not and we can get it organized.



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Cheers fellas for the advice .

Jez I'll talk to my mate and I'll let you know exactly ...I'm thinking maybe kissing point wharf coz there's s few good reports about it..

What do u rekon? Thanks heaps mate

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hi raiders

when going for jews, are you supposed to use a float or have it resting on the bottom?

i've got access to yakkas, and had a few runs on my lines last 2 weekends, but couldnt hook anything

then on sunday i actually hooked onto something massive which devoured my whole yakka, took about 100m of line out, before i tightened the drag, which woke him up, and went crazy before he took my hook and sinker

i think it was a jew or a shark, but of course, i'll never know until we meet again!!!!

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hi raiders

when going for jews, are you supposed to use a float or have it resting on the bottom?

i've got access to yakkas, and had a few runs on my lines last 2 weekends, but couldnt hook anything

then on sunday i actually hooked onto something massive which devoured my whole yakka, took about 100m of line out, before i tightened the drag, which woke him up, and went crazy before he took my hook and sinker

i think it was a jew or a shark, but of course, i'll never know until we meet again!!!!

No need for a float. Let is sit on the bottom and wait!

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Plenty still in the river and yep they are getting bigger!

Worth making the effort for sure but we get them on lures not baits....


Greg is that on hard bodies or plastics because I'm keen with plastics and lures aswell

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We use plastics and soft vibes.

The soft vibes been our gun bait for sure!


You have some pretty impressive records well done to you,

I am still yet to get a jew on a lure will have to keep at it.

I am also wondering what soft vibes are you using??? I have tried a couple of the Berkley ones and caught whiting on them and I am keen to try more,



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I know there isn't much stock of these lures in the country at the moment.....

I could tell but I need a few more myself.....

I know of only a couple of shops in Sydney that sell them and both need to restock....

Oh ok now, did a quick call n I just took all that my local had...... :biggrin2:

They are called Banjo MInnows..... :074:

Shhhhh just don't tell anyone! hehehe

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