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Tuesday Night Calamari


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Yesterday, between playing email banter with my boss, foraging for rogue swivels around my desk and considering what was for lunch I managed to organise a quick session for later in the evening with my fishing compadre “h00ked”.

Clifton Gardens we agreed, neither of us had ventured there yet, but we thought it looked promising.

Clifton Gardens we arrived. Clifton Gardens we burleyed. Clifton Gardens we baited. Clifton Gardens we waited. Nothing. Clifton Gardens, we were far from satiated.

Plan B, Kirribilli.

Out go the new squid jigs. In comes a cuttlefish. It’s cute, feisty and has some kind of emotional effect on us. Returned to the watery abyss.

Glowing Yamashita jigs “recharged” by holding them right up against the fluorescent lighting of the old ferry wharf.

1st cast back, 1st jig and I can feel something heavy, wind wind, line peeling from the reel at great pace. I’m convinced that a fish has got my jig (thanks “tentonner”). Headed for the pylons, I think it’s all over. Compadre in my ear “keep the pressure on, keep the pressure on”. I’m keeping the pressure on.

Up he comes, violent, aggressive, gives me the eye and squirts his dark inky load.

Mr Squid, my first, a little monster.

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Post script questions if anyone feels like helping?

1. Are cuttlefish any good as bait?

2. Do cuttlefish and squid usually feed together?

3. What is optimum eating size for squid/calamari?


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G'day Carl,

So your fishing compadre is none other than your boss, your mentor and tormentor?

What a great combination.

That's about as rare as a wife liking to go fishing (or even her tolerating your fishing).

Don't ever leave that job !

Even if the pay is crap !

Clifton gardens is obviously now on your yamaSHITa list of fishing spots.

Apparently it gets crowded with unsavoury types anyway but I can't speak with any authiority as I rarely fish the harbour.

I'm surprised to see the little monster squid actually tried to wrap you around the pylons - must have been watching the kingies fighting anglers and learnded a trick or two.

So you got emotional with the cuttlefish and let it go?

Did you catch it on your pink rod?:1prop:

Just kidding.

Wait until they reach 10kg on the jig and you'll see them differently.

As for bait - yes top bait (as strips) because you can't use cuttlefish live.

Do they feed together - yes - tentacle in tentacle, and if the cuttlefish is big and the squid is small, the cuttlefish will feed ON the squid.

Optimum sizes ? The answer is yes. All sizes are optimum. I'm not aware of bigger ones being toughter or sweeter than smaller ones so eat them all, unless you are torn between eating them and baiting them...join the club...


Edited by Keflapod
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G'day Carl,

So your fishing compadre is none other than your boss, your mentor and tormentor?

What a great combination.

That's about as rare as a wife liking to go fishing (or even her tolerating your fishing).

Don't ever leave that job !

Even if the pay is crap !

Clifton gardens is obviously now on your yamaSHITa list of fishing spots.

Apparently it gets crowded with unsavoury types anyway but I can't speak with any authiority as I rarely fish the harbour.

I'm surprised to see the little monster squid actually tried to wrap you around the pylons - must have been watching the kingies fighting anglers and learnded a trick or two.

So you got emotional with the cuttlefish and let it go?

Did you catch it on your pink rod?:1prop:

Just kidding.

Wait until they reach 10kg on the jig and you'll see them differently.

As for bait - yes top bait (as strips) because you can't use cuttlefish live.

Do they feed together - yes - tentacle in tentacle, and if the cuttlefish is big and the squid is small, the cuttlefish will feed ON the squid.

Optimum sizes ? The answer is yes. All sizes are optimum. I'm not aware of bigger ones being toughter or sweeter than smaller ones so eat them all, unless you are torn between eating them and baiting them...join the club...


So cuttlefish are good for eating and baiting?

Just want to get this straight before i eat the bait and bait dinner

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Hi Carl,

I agree with most of what Tony has said but would add that in my experience:

1. Small cuttlefish make great whole baits as even when dead they seem to hold their natural colour for longer that squid do.

2. The smaller Cuttlefish inside the rivers and harbour like similar areas to squid but will stick more to the bottom and ambush prey where squid will happily swim abouts hunting anywhere in the water column. Also, cuttles dont seem to school as much as squid do.

3. Size within a particular species dosent seem to make a huge difference but i do find that the arrow squid are slightly better on the tooth than the southern calamari's.

Once you get the hang of it squiding is one of the most reliable methods of getting a feed or top class bait when fishing land based and can get pretty addictive.


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So cuttlefish are good for eating and baiting?

IMO yes and yes, especially strip baits as they tend to be larger. Great eating, not quite as good as suid but definitely yummy and may well be in the method of cooking.

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I've had trouble getting smaller cuttlefish to "bite" the spiked end of my jigs: they seem to come at it only from the side, and even if I give jig a solid jerk, I can't seem to spike them. Any tips?

That said, I have caught and used both squid and big cuttlefish at the wharf at kirribilli - usually just on dusk.

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i preffer hand size cuttlefish over squid for king baits but to eat cali squid i personally find better for eating ive experimented heaps with dual downriggers with both out same time (live) cuttle always gets taken first might have just been that day visability ect.. but im convinced they are better for baits it could be that they troll better due to the bone? were as squid can spin if trolled to fast duno...

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best way to catch cuttlefish is i know so far from my experience is to jig really slow with just two twitches and just jig for half second twice and leave it for 30 seconds, i have caught heaps of cuttlefish from this trick and i am yet to open my squid account and i m gonna do it soon,

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G'day Carl,

So your fishing compadre is none other than your boss, your mentor and tormentor?

What a great combination.

That's about as rare as a wife liking to go fishing (or even her tolerating your fishing).

Don't ever leave that job !

Even if the pay is crap !

Clifton gardens is obviously now on your yamaSHITa list of fishing spots.

Apparently it gets crowded with unsavoury types anyway but I can't speak with any authiority as I rarely fish the harbour.

I'm surprised to see the little monster squid actually tried to wrap you around the pylons - must have been watching the kingies fighting anglers and learnded a trick or two.

So you got emotional with the cuttlefish and let it go?

Did you catch it on your pink rod?:1prop:

Just kidding.

Wait until they reach 10kg on the jig and you'll see them differently.

As for bait - yes top bait (as strips) because you can't use cuttlefish live.

Do they feed together - yes - tentacle in tentacle, and if the cuttlefish is big and the squid is small, the cuttlefish will feed ON the squid.

Optimum sizes ? The answer is yes. All sizes are optimum. I'm not aware of bigger ones being toughter or sweeter than smaller ones so eat them all, unless you are torn between eating them and baiting them...join the club...



Ha, I wish, my boss is certainly some kind of mentor or tormentor, depending on the day, but not the compadre.

Really what you're saying is that I should be trying to find a bossy, fishing-tolerant girl who thinks it's cute that I use a pink rod?

Thanks for the answers too.


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Who says you can't use cuttlefish live?

Cuttles are my all time favourite bait. would take a cuttle over a squid anyday.

Hi Timmy,

I would have believed that to pierce the mantle would pierce the backbone, thus killing it.

If you have a technique, I would love to see it.

We are never too old to learn something new.....


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