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Harbour kings advice/suggestions


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Hey guys use to go to pier 2 alot in the hunt for kings haven't been in over a year just wondering if any1 knows how it's proforming or theory's on how it will be ATM cuz really keen to get back out. also considering hiring a run about but have never maned a boat by myself an was after some suggestions on harbour locations for kings in the 4 person run about.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated cheers Kev

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Winter isn't the best time for kings. They head offshore during winter but there is still the odd fish around. It really depends on where you are hiring a boat from. A few locations fishable in a hire boat would be the weddingcakes, sow n pigs, Off Bradleys Head and anywhere that is deep with plentiful bait. Your best chance is to get some livies and squid. The John Dory are around at the moment and im sure you won't mind that as i by catch! Like i said, it really depends on where you plan on hiring a boat from.

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Troll deep divers and soft plastics also.

They work awesome.

The kingies move around alot from structure to structure unless there on a really deep reef which you probably cant get to from a hired boat.

Work all the markers, and reefs in the harbour and troll the headlands, you will cover alot of ground in a short amount of time and will find fish more effectively.

Goodluck : )

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