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Bova SeaSickness Tablet


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I've heard people raving on about the Bova Compounding Sea Sickness Tablet (ET Fishing) that can be purchased from the chemist at Caringbah (Cincotta Chemist), which is made by Bova Compounding across the road from the chemist apperantly.

Does anyone know if any Cincotta Chemist sell these tablets or only the one at Caringbah?


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Left it too late, :mad3:

Need it for a bunch of blokes for a charter on Wed morning and its after 5 now so they wouldnt post them till tomorrow which is too late.

Looks like i'll be taking a trip to Caringbah. :05:

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there is a thread from a couple of years ago on this forum as well. Antihistamines work but may cause drowsiness and dry mouth. Ginger tablets and other forms of ginger is natural and works well. Wrist bands which act on the pressure point for nausea on your inner wrist about 3 fingers down from the arm/hand junction in between the 2 tendons which come up when you make a fist. These bands work well for morning sickness as well.

Regards Jim.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes the wrist bands work exceptionally well on some people, my missus used them when recovering from surgery, and when flying and her sister, who would chuck at 15km in a car,tried them and traveled 330 km by car then 3 hours by ferry, before she noticed she ain't chucked, and didn't so they are an option. And they don't affect 'fittness for work' or 'fitness to drive/skipper' issues either, as certainly in the mining industry, we are subject to medication declarations and drugs testing........Regards.johnno

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