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Browns bottom bashing


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G'day raiders

I'm heading out to browns with the fellas to try our luck at bottom bashing browns for the first time on Saturday (weather permitting of course). We will be cubing but will have a few drops if the currents not running too hard. I've only ever tried this once (didn't have enough lead on board) what I was wondering was what sort of bottom/structure we should be looking for on the sounder (hds5)? Also what size line should be used for the sacrificial lead? I have made up a variety of weights from off-cuts of steel so it will rust out in no time. Any rough marks via pm would be greatly appreciated as it's a very big sea mount, as I've got a few but none of us have ever done deep dropping so don't know where to start looking.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers Leo

Cheers Leo

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Hey Leo,

dont know if you will see the bottom with your hds5 depends on your transducer,i use 40kg pe10 main line with 300lb trace with a breakaway sinker.As for the position on browns,you probably wont see bottom structure with that sounder ,juust hang with the other boats. Take extra rigs and weights and stay safe.


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Hey Leo,

dont know if you will see the bottom with your hds5 depends on your transducer,i use 40kg pe10 main line with 300lb trace with a breakaway sinker.As for the position on browns,you probably wont see bottom structure with that sounder ,juust hang with the other boats. Take extra rigs and weights and stay safe.


you can read bottom as i have seen it on a 5...

as with all sounders tranny setup is crucial then you need to fine tune the settings a little...

im sure if you google it you may find how to do it,not hard... if i find the vid i will post it...


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What sort of outfit arre you using. Alvey,overhead or electric? Mono or Braid?Having a sounder that picks up the bottom can make a huge difference but the gemfish are thick lately so you should be able to find something if you stay with the crowd.We use 130lb braid with 5 metre of 5olb mono to the sinker. If you are using any lighter ig go down to 20-30 mono to sinker. You do NOT want your mailine to hook the bottom. Let me know what sort of gear and I'll give you a couple of ideas.

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mate few things in point form these are key things that work for me.

I use bricks or gal pipe filled with cement I run my motor the whole time to keep my line straight up and down.

My sounder losses the bottom all the time (and does not work in deeper water) so i just fish by gps leaving my trip tracker on so i can easily back track if required / be sure to work new ground . i'd suggest if you are fishing a couple of rigs is to enjoy the drift drop one while your bring the other up so you always have a rig down. As you get hit's save the mark. Most people sit on the central mark at the top of the mtn don't be afraid to fish wide and deep bit harder if your using an overhead reel.

I use 100lb braid with 200lb leader about 30m of it to a swivel (i shark clip my droppers normal only two) from that a short loop of 15kg mono as a break away with a metre or so of 200lb to the brick this sinker leader will help you should you hit the bottom and makes it easy to hand at the boat. my view is it's good to have a very weak break away with 600m of line out you want to be sure that's where it breaks. I try to fish well off the bottom but at least for me it's lucky dip.

I use a mix of size 13 and 16 circle hooks Bait presentation counts for nothing but i do mix it up on each drop big baits are the order of the day cuttle fish slabs work well as they just will not come off.

Edited by pure spirit
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