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Botany Bay Flathead!

Guest Finno

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Hit Brighton le sands, Botany bay this morning 8am fishing a dropping tide with my new ecogear vx. Been out of the game for a couple of weeks so was edging to wet a line. First hour was slow with only one small 25cm flatty, then 10mins later picked up a 47cm flathead from directly in front of the hotel down there. Next hour was slow with no fish so decided to move a few beaches up to Ramsgate. Fished there for half an hour then suddenly hooked on to a monster of a fish, first thought was a salmon or sting ray because it had a very long run but after a 10min fight on light gear a 78cm flatty appeared, PB!! Let that one go seeing as it was most likely a female and are big fish like this uncommon in the bay because this is the biggest iv'e caught and seen down there.

Sorry no pics:(

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NIIICE, there is a few good ones around that Ramsgate area and thanks to people like you releasing the big girls, there should be for years. Will see you around that spot some day soon,the water will get warmer and they will start getting more interested. Good on ya,keep it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:1yikes: wow man 78cm thats a stonker of a flaty, hell it aint even a flaty thats some form of prehistoric fish haha and yeah the bigest ones are usually the breeding females so good stuff on letting her go will be plenty of flathead in the bay for years to come because of it and from what Iv heard the monster ones dont taste the best anyway
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good one mate

just wondering what did u catch the monster one on? :1fishing1::yahoo::thumbup:

Hey flatty king got it on a 35mm vx blade made by ecogear you can get them from the little bait shop in kyeemagh they retail for around $20 a bit pricey but they are great lures.


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