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Hi all we decided to head out wide to 1000 fms in search of some yft.

Started to pull lures at 500 fathoms when we came across some big yellow fin feeding on small bait fish. We pulled up next to them and started cubing and dropped a live yakka with in minutes the 30 wide started screaming. After a few minutes pop we lost it , still cubing a couple minutes later the tiagra 50 goes off peeling about 150 meters after an hour and a half fight we gaffes a 80 kg yft hi fives all in the boat. Still cubing half an hour after the 80 kg fin we hook up again this time on the Stella 20000 peeling line we pump the drag up trying to stop the fish and pop lost the second for the day.

Cubed for an hour after that and decided to call it a day .

Will load pics when I figure out how

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well done mate, it was a beast of a fish, we were having a chat at the ramp I had a little 20ish toy when compared to yours. Did you measure length by any chance?


Hey Dave

Yeah mate it measured 172 cm to the start of the tail.

You did well mate got a good feed. Can't wait to get out again

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