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Rockfishing post poll



90 members have voted

  1. 1. The post ROCKFISHING LOCATIONS should

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There have been people killed in boating accidents whilst fishing. People also die swimming in rivers, dams, etc each year. Maybe we should stop reporting about fishing in rivers and whilst on boats. Where do we stop or does this great web site just close down.

Do you think it is only on this web site that information like places to fish can be found?

All types of fishing can be dangerous. It is up to the people who participant in fishing to take notice of the dangers and take adequate precautions.

The best we can do in this type of forum is to continually warn each other of the dangers of our sport and to take the necessary precautions.

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Ditto with me Caranx.


Maybe we should ban people swimming at Bondi Beach too! People are always going to ignore advice and get into trouble, they made a television series out of people doing exactly that at Bondi. Do we stop promoting our beaches to tourists now? In todays paper there's a story about 4 people killed this year by buses because they had an ipod stuck in their ear. Do we stop marketing ipods now? Get it into context. People are still going to do stupid things on the rocks fishing or swimming at the beach regardless of what they're told, at least there's good advice here and its up to them if they heed that advice. Noone has a gun to their head.

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There have been people killed in boating accidents whilst fishing. People also die swimming in rivers, dams, etc each year. Maybe we should stop reporting about fishing in rivers and whilst on boats. Where do we stop or does this great web site just close down.

Do you think it is only on this web site that information like places to fish can be found?

All types of fishing can be dangerous. It is up to the people who participant in fishing to take notice of the dangers and take adequate precautions.

The best we can do in this type of forum is to continually warn each other of the dangers of our sport and to take the necessary precautions.

dude that's a little harsh, people have died.... dad's, brothers, sons.

to be more constructive, perhaps a sticky of the dangers of rock fishing and how to avoid foresee\them etc, if there isn't already one.

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In all walks of life there will be risk takers whether they are cliff divers, base jumpers, football players, divers or rock fisherman... Key to survival is commonsense! If you lack the knowledge on a certain activity you don’t just go gun ho into it and try without asking some questions at the least! I wouldn’t go re-wiring my house without at least understanding the fundamentals first of what the hell I’m doing, this is what frustrates the hell out of me with the stigma of rock fishing, if people take they’re time understand where they are going and the hazards involved and actually take in what they are taught then what exactly is the problem, I understand the reservations of people going rock fishing without prior knowledge or experience, but surely putting a black ban on sharing locations and the like to those who are interested is not the answer! It’s ridiculous, one life lost on the rocks is one too many for anyone’s books but for the amount of times I have seen newbie’s on the rock fishing seen act more safe and conduct themselves more properly than those “seasoned” pro’s is beyond me! I personally believe sharing knowledge on fishing is great and removes the black secretive ways of the past if I was never privy to some of the knowledge I have received in the past I would still be casting prawns off a jetty catching undersize fish than enjoying some of the fantastic fishing I have experienced from all styles of fishing.

To deprive people of the knowledge they require to further themselves is criminal! And to further no instill knowledge on those willing to learn is even worse!

Yes rock fishing is dangerous is it for everyone young and old? NO! Should every single utter available err of caution be used yes! Cleats, light clothing, ACCURATE and up to date weather reports should be used to your Advantage every single time, as well as considering the extra’s that many do not like an escape plan if you do fall in, fishing with friends watching the water when you arrive if the rocks are we why are they wet?? Things to that nature should all be taken into account every time! And even when you do everything 100% right there is still the chance for disaster so be prepared at all times.

It’s a joke to believe that fishing spots are still shrouded in mystery and deprived to the many.

One argument I’m a big fan of is; the well known fishing spots gets so crammed full of people because the knowledge is just not there for them to go elsewhere so the “oh everyone fishes there so will we” or “where else will we go” if information was shared the people would be more spread out and would be more enjoyable for all.

Rock fishing is dangerous but it can also be enjoyable but I have noticed that few seem to think they are the elite and they are the only ones qualified to fish such areas, I ask those people to remember back where they learnt those places and how they learnt to fish them.. I can guarantee it was from asking questions being drip fed information and learning for themselves!

Even when every precaution is taken accidents still do happen and you need to have prepared yourself for the worst even at the best of times, boat fisherman do this by carrying lifejackets and epirbs and radios and everything else that they are required by law to have in their possession but guess what boating accidents still happen and people still take risks, so will people in other forms of fishing, im a solid believer in no-one and I do mean NO ONE should go on the rocks without cleats regardless of how many times you’ve fished an area you’re an idiot to do so to take such a risk, and if people out there have a genuine belief that ‘it will never happen to me’ well they are idiots. PFD’s in my book should be made compulsory for areas of increased danger and rock fishing ledges should be assessed by maritime consistently for the possibility of ‘what If’ with more angel rings installed and safety notices warning of conditions that cause a certain area to be vulnerable, all these things can be done to help prevent tragedy on the rocks but even in the best of circumstances people will still continue to do stupid stuff, so what else more is there to say, removing a post showing people how to access and area and opening their options will not cause people to loose their life but people going to locations and taking risks will cause people to loose their life.

There’s my two cents on the subject anyway.

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Well said brettmann. Your point about "where else is there to go" is a good one. If there were more spots to fish and more info about other locations it would definitely assist newbies and parents who want to teach their kids to fish safely. I've fished in Sydney for 50 years and there hasn't been one wharf or platform constructed for recreational fishing to my knowledge. With all the development that has gone on in Botany Bay and all the money raised through fishing licences, why hasn't a bloody big pier been built just so people can have fun on. Even the new boat ramp at Port Botany has NO FISHING signs. It must be the only boat ramp in the world you can't fish at! The best fishing spot in the bay is the container wall out to Molineaux Pt but they've built the thing with all those interlocking blocks making it dangerous to fish off. People still do of course and they're crazy, one slip and you're history. Give us some safe platforms in good fishing zones and people won't need to risk their lives on the rocks.

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Its not that they are secret spots, or about eltist rockfisherman, but it obvious from many posts that the first thing a number of people ask is "where was that caught". There is litte interest in the gear used, the conidtions fished, its about the catch, and people just want to know where. That is the behaviour of someone that lacks the knowledge and experience. All for teaching people, but sending those with little experience, or those whom think they have experience to dangerous spots is not responsible behaviour. There are other spots to learn at which are less risky. Yes, we dont want to be a nanny state, but thats why the govt is looking at mandating lifejackets for rockfisho's. Life is full of risks as you say. I agree, and I take many, but then you should elaborate on the post and give what conditions those spots are unfishable in. A high tide and some swell at one of those spots has been the downfall of many. And we all know that people are not responsible hence, and in over excitement get into trouble. We should post then what to do if you go in ? How many people know what to do if they see someone go in ? Do they know where angel rings are ? Do they carry something that they can throw in ? If websites are to promote a sport, then it needs to be a balanced view. I would say a lot have no exit strategy if they get into trouble, nor what to do if got washed in, nor carry a first aid kit.

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Its not that they are secret spots, or about eltist rockfisherman, but it obvious from many posts that the first thing a number of people ask is "where was that caught". There is litte interest in the gear used, the conidtions fished, its about the catch, and people just want to know where. That is the behaviour of someone that lacks the knowledge and experience. All for teaching people, but sending those with little experience, or those whom think they have experience to dangerous spots is not responsible behaviour. There are other spots to learn at which are less risky. Yes, we dont want to be a nanny state, but thats why the govt is looking at mandating lifejackets for rockfisho's. Life is full of risks as you say. I agree, and I take many, but then you should elaborate on the post and give what conditions those spots are unfishable in. A high tide and some swell at one of those spots has been the downfall of many. And we all know that people are not responsible hence, and in over excitement get into trouble. We should post then what to do if you go in ? How many people know what to do if they see someone go in ? Do they know where angel rings are ? Do they carry something that they can throw in ? If websites are to promote a sport, then it needs to be a balanced view. I would say a lot have no exit strategy if they get into trouble, nor what to do if got washed in, nor carry a first aid kit.

That what you have just posted is constructive instead of being negative, i totally agree these things should be included and talked about, but as this is a users forum and we can't expect the admin and moderators to do everything people who have experience in the areas of knowledge should share it! the only argument io have there is of course people are going to ask bang off the bat where it was caught followed by the more nitty gritty questions it's human nature.. when i see something aweosome posted first thing that pops tyo my mind regardless of whether it was land or boat fished is damn wonder where they caught it im not going to ask the guy what line class he used.. the rock fishing safety DVD is a must for everyone who is even thinking of going rockfishing and people IT'S FREE!! IT GETS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOUSE FOR NOTHING!!!! the problem i'm stating is if people are trying to research an area to fish and they find somewhere and it's crappy in a southerly swell but its the only rock fishing spot they know of course they will attempt it have a look at all the locations i listed there is something there for everyone in nearly every type of weather and seas, every place i've fished in fishes different and the dangers are different aswell even a move of 30m up or down a ledge poses new hurdles to tackle like the waves will break differently because of a slight rise in the ledge height or a bommie out the front disperses the waves erraticly, there's sop much info to be added to a post listing locations and so much raw information that the raiders on here can pour into such a thing its mind boggling even if you've fished an area for years you will always learn something new thats why posts like these are a guide and a reference to everyone

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Have to say i agree with brettmann, all of our different activities hold different levels of risk which we all need to be aware of. Just this winter there has been a number of deaths relating to boat capsizes. With that in mind where do your draw the borderline for cencorship on a safety basis?

At the end of the day surely its better people get the info off this site along with the numerous warnings and safety related messages attached to the posts rather than other sources where these warnings may not be so prevalent?


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The fact is that if people hear about rock fishing places here they are much more likely to get information about the safety issues specific to these spots, such as what swell and sea direction and size it's safe to fish. Much better than people looking up a potential spot on google maps and trying it out with no info about the specific dangers of that spot.

Anyone who argues that this information shouldn't be put up on a public forum and there should be no discussion of rock fishing locations is quite frankly just being selfish and trying to keep good fishing places quiet so they don't get overcrowded. And what's worse, they try to justify it by saying they are selfless and have a social conscience, trying to save lives but keeping these fishing locations a secret. What a load of s@*&!!! If you want to try and help save lives, then contribute safety information about the places listed so people who read about the spots will be better informed and less likely to get into trouble!

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cmon now

having directions /advice never stopped me going rock fishing any where

It did however give me invaluable knowledge of certain dangers at certain spots

To think discussing great rock fishing locations /times/tides/bait and advice on what not to do could be considered endangering peoples lifes is totally ridiculous

In fact its quite the opposite imparting valuable knowledge

Common sense cannot be bought but in a way it can be learnt I think through these forums

Yes Rockfishing is dangerous

So is Driving to the shops

Crossing the road etc etc

Unfortunately with our multi cultural landscape we seem to be losing a lot of fisherman over the last 20 years

Im still here as are a good 20 or more mates who know what where why

I think imparting our collective knowledge can only help

and certainly not endanger any one who reads the forums

perhaps a specialised banner running through basic dos and donts could be attached to said posts containing rockfishing info

any way a few cents worth


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Name all thespots you want I have no issue my issue is what constitutes a sensible rock hopper and a fool!

A sensible rock fisho knows his ledge knows its limits knows its escape routes knows its nature in all conditions a ledge is like being it has a character and you need to know it, this is what makes the difference to the fool a fool thinks he's bullet proof has not done his homework and cause he sees a sucessful rock hopper on the given day do well! Then he goes back ableit uneducated and you have a tradgedy, like Stormy I have fished a lot of ledges some that strike fear in me due to their very nature Yellow Rock and the Doughboy being two! theres others I can fish blindfolded I feel that comfortable and know them so well I know when and when not to be there!

For the sake of life use forums to educate and if you see a fellow angler going down to a ledge when you would not give him a friendly warning I know not everyone takes or heeds it well but at least we are trying.

Well I'd say Yelow is close to the double century for deaths now! Very sad it still claims so many even after they switched off the murk thta made it thrice as dangerous as it is now!

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Admin also welcomes comment by personal message regarding the information in the post

As Mrs Swordie says above " Admin also welcomes comment by PERSONAL MESSAGE regarding information in the post.

Locked until further notice, please vote via the poll or PM as requested, thank you.

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Thank you to the dozens of members who have sent me a personal message on this subject. I have been innundated and will attempt to respond to each of you on the weekend (when not working in the real job!). The poll results and the pm's indicate that the information should be on fishraider. Many also suggest that info should be posted and pinned.

I will be looking for assistance of someone who has some spare time to put together some text and links on the subject. This will be posted in a pinned post in an effort to educate readers.

I simply do not have spare time at the moment to collect all the links and info sources.

Cmon raiders give me a hand with this :thumbup: if you are up for the task then I will make you a gold member!!!!

Seriously if you want to do this job pm me.


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