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Salmon boiling on the surface Botany Heads

Aqua Naut

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post-8911-027425800 1315997747_thumb.jpgWell it's the time to get rid of the covers and wet the boat for hopefully a good summer season of fishing. Headed out in the Bay to see if there was any surface action yet and it didn't take long to sight some action just outside the heads. Schools of Salmon everywhere :thumbup: . There were at least half a dozen schools working the surface between Cape Banks as far as Maroubra. Hooked 3 good ones around 2kg each spinning metal slices poppers and plastics. However they were very pickey with what lure to take. 15gram Slice with a red ribbon worked the best. It's good to see the action starting to come alive in September. Did try abit of bottom bashing on the close in reefs but quiet. Salmon was the go today. Tight Lines :1fishing1:
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post-8911-027425800 1315997747_thumb.jpgWell it's the time to get rid of the covers and wet the boat for hopefully a good summer season of fishing. Headed out in the Bay to see if there was any surface action yet and it didn't take long to sight some action just outside the heads. Schools of Salmon everywhere :thumbup: . There were at least half a dozen schools working the surface between Cape Banks as far as Maroubra. Hooked 3 good ones around 2kg each spinning metal slices poppers and plastics. However they were very pickey with what lure to take. 15gram Slice with a red ribbon worked the best. It's good to see the action starting to come alive in September. Did try abit of bottom bashing on the close in reefs but quiet. Salmon was the go today. Tight Lines :1fishing1:

Nice. Ive never seen these boil ups. Hopefully oneday. Do you think they will take bait thrown at them.

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That is a really good sign this time of year. Same happened last year with massive schools of bonnies and salmon in Sydney Harbour. Cant wait to get out there on saturday. Well done on picking a few up as they are fussy buggers.


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post-8911-027425800 1315997747_thumb.jpgWell it's the time to get rid of the covers and wet the boat for hopefully a good summer season of fishing. Headed out in the Bay to see if there was any surface action yet and it didn't take long to sight some action just outside the heads. Schools of Salmon everywhere :thumbup: . There were at least half a dozen schools working the surface between Cape Banks as far as Maroubra. Hooked 3 good ones around 2kg each spinning metal slices poppers and plastics. However they were very pickey with what lure to take. 15gram Slice with a red ribbon worked the best. It's good to see the action starting to come alive in September. Did try abit of bottom bashing on the close in reefs but quiet. Salmon was the go today. Tight Lines :1fishing1:

Damn! I went out with a mate yesterday morning in the Bay looking for the Salmon at the Heads but we missed them completely, seems they were slightly South of our location going by your report. We knew they would be out ther somewhere.


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