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Surf fishing tips


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Hey guys

This saturday I'm heading out to cronulla for my first ever go at surf fishing with another newbie mate.

Just wondering if any of the surf fishing gurus on fish raider could give me some advice e.g. where to fish, what baits or lures to use, what type of rig and what I should be expecting to catch.

I don't really plan on doing that well but just to be out is better than being in the office. :-)

Any help us greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Jacks,

If your fishing day time park in the lot up north of Wanda and walk a bit further up the beach to get away from the surfers. Find yourself a decent gutter and fish pillies on ganged hooks for Salmon/tailor and the odd flatty. Other option worth a shot would be live beach worms or pipis fished along the edges of the gutters for bream and whiting. With your rigs it depends a little on the conditions but generally a simple running sinker rig just heavy enough to get the bait in the right spot will do the job. Best fishing the top of the tide and either early morning or late arvo rather than the middle of the day. I find Cronulla is not a very productive beach unfortunatley but its still worth a shot if its your local. Hope that helps a little.


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Hey Rich

Thanks a lot for your response.

Although when you say that cronulla is not very productive, would it be worth my timer to possibly drive to a different beach, cronulla is just the only one I know.

I live in the bankstown area so cronulla really isn't close for me either.

Thanks again.


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As Fezza says some of the Eastern suburb beaches are more productive but agian you'll be fighting to find a space free of surfers. If your coming from Bankstown a good bet might be Garie beach in the Royal National Park, tends to produce reasonably reliable catches of Salmon and Tailor at times and you shouldn't have to struggle with Surfers. Just note that they lock the gates down there at night so make sure you dont get locked in. Alot of guys from Southern Sydney drive down to places like Austimier, North Wollongong and Windang as well.


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Corrimal beach is alright(south of austimier) would tell you where a good gutter is but gutters changed recently in last few days and didnt check earlier so was fishin in a bad spot this morning but still produced a salmon. I reckon a good time to start for this saturday if you fish illawarra area maybe from 7am to 5pm. Im not a beach expert but its the times I would fish this weekend

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Sorry guys i should've mentioned that we are heading out at about 4am, although plans have changed a little bit, we are now fishing maroubra (thanks guys ;-) )

I am now equipped with pillies both salted and plain, 63 and 75 gram star bomb sinkers and some gang hooks. Also got myself some halco chromies because i'm still a fisherman at heart and believe i never have enough gear.

If i even catch 1 fish i'll be stoked.

Thanks once again for everybody's help, I can hardly wait to out the and get amongst it.

If anyone is gonna be out there between 4 and 8am, come say hello. (We'll be the guys that are probably fishing the wrong spots and looking like we have no idea of what we are doing.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend fishing.



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Sorry guys i should've mentioned that we are heading out at about 4am, although plans have changed a little bit, we are now fishing maroubra (thanks guys ;-) )

I am now equipped with pillies both salted and plain, 63 and 75 gram star bomb sinkers and some gang hooks. Also got myself some halco chromies because i'm still a fisherman at heart and believe i never have enough gear.

If i even catch 1 fish i'll be stoked.

Thanks once again for everybody's help, I can hardly wait to out the and get amongst it.

If anyone is gonna be out there between 4 and 8am, come say hello. (We'll be the guys that are probably fishing the wrong spots and looking like we have no idea of what we are doing.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend fishing.



well u never know the wrong spots are the spots where the fishes are

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