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The Best Weekend on Berowra


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G'day Raidas,

Well this will probaly be the last report You see from me in a while as im off to Melbourne tomorrow to start a career in the Australian Navy and don't think I will be doing much fishing for a while :wacko:

But atleast I ended my time in Sydney with on of the best weekends I have ever had on Berowra. I starts like this...

Got up early on Saturday and filled the boat with all the gear we needed for the trip then went down the street to pick up my mate and shoot of down to Berowra for a fish then to camp the night at the beach.

We launched the boat and went up the river to anchor up and soak a few baits. No keepers were caught but my mate was stoked when he landed his biggest ever fish... a shovelnose, which gave him a great fight on the 2-4kg stick, we also got a few undersize bream and flatties and a load of tailor as usual. So there was non stop action the whole session and no waiting around for bites.

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The weather was so good we even jumped in for a swim and did a few flips off the bow hahaha, was great fun.

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After than we then went in search of fire wood for the night, we found a beach and loaded the tinny up with logs and branches then set of to our camping spot. We were the first ones at the beach so we claimed the best spot and set up camp. After us came two more groups of people ready to camp the night, one of which were a group of German and Aussie rock climbers who had been exploring Berowra's cliffs the whole day. They set up next to us and and we all chilled around our fire the whole night, cranking some tunes, having a massive feast and even did a bit of fishing during the night. What a way to spend a night on the river :thumbup:

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We got up early in the morning as my mate had to be home early and the group of rock climbers even cooked us eggs and bacon for brekky.

So theres my last report until I finish training and hopefully get some hloidays lol

Catch ya later,

Prawn Star

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Great report Prawnstar, looks like it was an excellent way to celebrate your last days as a civvie. I wish you all the best at HMAS Cerberus. I am sure you will enjoy your time in the Navy after you complete your recruit training and I look forward to reading about your fishing exploits across the globe.

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hey buddy,

What till you see the bay HMAS Cerberus is situated on. Some very fishy looking water...

I am betting once you get through the initial boot camp component and they allow you out of base, you will be down the local tackle store getting your hands on a rod and gear!!

P.S, November is big snapper season in Port Phillip bay!

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