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Boaters had knife pulled on them

Catchin Jack

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Last week a friend was fishing at The Entrance and when he returned to the ramp he and his friend were confronted by a "local" and this guy was abusing them, threatening them and when he was told to go away and leave them alone he pulled a knife on them. All this was because they were using the tap provided to flush their motor, seems this guy had an issue with "water wastage".

They ended up calling the police and they arrived and arrested the man.

This could've ended up ugly with someone or a few people getting hurt or being killed. This is just a reminder to fishos to be aware of those around when at ramps, well anywhere I suppose.

This happened at night as well and the lighting at that particular ramp has not been working for months even though council have been informed of it over and over.

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He was lucky he didnt pull his knife out on you Leo or they may have been calling the ambulance instead of the police.

Its just water for christ sake !!!! and it falls from the sky every day,what is the world coming to.

Regards Stewy

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A bloke was killed in Sylvania in 2007 for watering his lawn. The papers labelled it a water-rage attack. There are some nutcases out there.


reminds me of when i was washing my boat down at my old mans house a guy on a bike who was riding past told me off about using soooo much water not nowing it was tank water i just smiled and waved at him :biggrin2: best way to handle it.

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I live in a unit, so the only way I can flush the motor is to put it on the street and run a hose from inside our gardens out to the street (lucky there is a tap close to the street). All my neighbours in the units know and don't mind, as it's only occasionally I do this because there are flushing taps at my usual ramp so I usually do it there. There are houses across the street though, and everytime I do it here, this one lady slams her doors and paces up and down her driveway. She's given me more than one mouthful about water wasting, polution etc. I have tried to explain nicely and I make sure I do it at reasonable times of the day but there's just no pleasing some people.

I have thought about taking it out onto the street once a week even if I don't go fishing just to really "P" her off... but I'm just too nice! :D

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Hi guys, The Central Coast still has LEVEL 3 Restrictions in place. Brakes, bilge,motors can still be hosed down with water 5 mins usage and a nozzle on the hose . Boat requires a bucket and nozzle to be washed. Still cant believe some people.The light is a problem at the ramp.


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