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Norfolk Island-huge kings!


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post-2678-018760500 1317989341_thumb.jpgpost-2678-035792900 1317989250_thumb.jpgpost-2678-089003900 1317989234_thumb.jpgpost-2678-008771000 1317989215_thumb.jpgpost-2678-065987100 1317989188_thumb.jpgpost-2678-031858800 1317989165_thumb.jpgWent to Norfolk Island.It was a harsh, isolated penal colony,the people are Fletcher Christian's descendants,and the kings are mean in keeping with the Island's tough past.

Just got back.Never experienced kings like those beasts.They grow to 40+kg;are mean with intent.They are down deep,and head to the abrasive bottom at lightspeed.

We were towelled up bigtime.I used heavy jig rods and reels;100lb braid;150lb leader-didn't matter.The local guides guides got stitched up as well.They said

it is the same with everybody no matter what the gear or the angler! The weather can be wild.We got out 2/3 days.Continual hook ups offshore.I landed 15 kings

to 25kg on conventional gear,and hooked up 4 kings down deep on fly.We were sharked often,but it was a privilege to be hooked up to a 35kg+ unstoppable king.Their brutal power

is awesome.The toughest fishing that I've encountered.The head on the left is my king,estimated at 27 kg-one bite from a Bronzie.We had severely bent rods,locked up drags,and gave no quarter in the hand to hand combat.

I hooked up a 250 kg Bronze Whaler on a livie and landed it in a few minutes-it was easier than landing a 15 kg kingie over there. I lost $400+ of jigs in one day to kings and sharked kings!

Also the launching is interesting! The only Island ramp is not used much for obvious reasons.


Edited by mgj
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Mark I saw you out on the water today. You were absolutely smashing the salmon on fly, I don't think I ever saw you casting, every time I looked you were hooked onto a fish! We went back out at 10 after it slowed down and there were even more salmon than in the morning! Great trip and hope you had a good day on the water.

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post-2678-018760500 1317989341_thumb.jpgpost-2678-035792900 1317989250_thumb.jpgpost-2678-089003900 1317989234_thumb.jpgpost-2678-008771000 1317989215_thumb.jpgpost-2678-065987100 1317989188_thumb.jpgpost-2678-031858800 1317989165_thumb.jpgWent to Norfolk Island.It was a harsh, isolated penal colony,the people are Fletcher Christian's descendants,and the kings are mean in keeping with the Island's tough past.

Just got back.Never experienced kings like those beasts.They grow to 40+kg;are mean with intent.They are down deep,and head to the abrasive bottom at lightspeed.

We were towelled up bigtime.I used heavy jig rods and reels;100lb braid;150lb leader-didn't matter.The local guides guides got stitched up as well.They said

it is the same with everybody no matter what the gear or the angler! The weather can be wild.We got out 2/3 days.Continual hook ups offshore.I landed 15 kings

to 25kg on conventional gear,and hooked up 4 kings down deep on fly.We were sharked often,but it was a privilege to be hooked up to a 35kg+ unstoppable king.Their brutal power

is awesome.The toughest fishing that I've encountered.The head on the left is my king,estimated at 27 kg-one bite from a Bronzie.We had severely bent rods,locked up drags,and gave no quarter in the hand to hand combat.

I hooked up a 250 kg Bronze Whaler on a livie and landed it in a few minutes-it was easier than landing a 15 kg kingie over there. I lost $400+ of jigs in one day to kings and sharked kings!

Also the launching is interesting! The only Island ramp is not used much for obvious reasons.


You lucky bugger :biggrin2:, mind you losing $400 work of jigs ouccchhh. But it was worth it from the pics, and fish you encountered! :thumbup:

How did you go with your passport? Obviously it was able to be salvaged or you didnt need it? Greg told me what happened.


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My passport went through the wash and I was lucky that they accepted it at the airport.I'm getting a new one soon!

The gear attrition rate is high over there-but worth it due to the size of the kings.

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