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Spent the night chasing Mulloway in Botany Bay with zero results - first time in my entire life.

Anyway got up at 4AM to catch yellowtail for live bait.

By 6AM had enough so we went to try for squid then Kingies - No luck on both, so I told my son that we were heading out the heads for a bottom bash.

Tried something different this time - used a 3 meter trace and started a drift with Large Baits from the 35 meter mark.

Bang on 40 my reel starts to peel fast - thought it was a XOS kingfish but I did not get reefed - I loosened the drag about mid water and I started to thing maybe Snapper.

When this beast made an appearance it took me a good 2 minutes to gaff it - then the screams were heard from all over Sydney.

It went 75 cm and over 7.5 kg - I have only ever caught 2 legal snapper in my life at around 40 cm. This is a massive trophie for me and the power of the fish was very impressive.

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Spent the night chasing Mulloway in Botany Bay with zero results - first time in my entire life.

Anyway got up at 4AM to catch yellowtail for live bait.

By 6AM had enough so we went to try for squid then Kingies - No luck on both, so I told my son that we were heading out the heads for a bottom bash.

Tried something different this time - used a 3 meter trace and started a drift with Large Baits from the 35 meter mark.

Bang on 40 my reel starts to peel fast - thought it was a XOS kingfish but I did not get reefed - I loosened the drag about mid water and I started to thing maybe Snapper.

When this beast made an appearance it took me a good 2 minutes to gaff it - then the screams were heard from all over Sydney.

It went 75 cm and over 7.5 kg - I have only ever caught 2 legal snapper in my life at around 40 cm. This is a massive trophie for me and the power of the fish was very impressive.

That is one nice looking fish.. anyone would make some noise if they landed that!

Congrats on a very impressive catch.



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Congratulations on that thumper mate,

Good to know you dont always have to be fishing offshore reefs for quality fish like that.

well done!

Thanks for the comments - I am starting to beleive that these fish are more common then we think. I used an unconventional method. Super long trace with a heavy sinker behind a massive amount of burley. My first drift was slow and I caught him - the other 3 drifts I increased spead by double thatnks to the wind that picked up. It felt like the burley was dissapearing too fast behind the boat. I heard about a spear fisho who has seen quite a few fish around this size along the Sydney coast. They are spooked very easily and seem to have adjusted to Sydney fishing pressure. Next 1 I catch will be going back in the water. Next species is a King over 1 meter.

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Hey Jimmy,

It's been a long time since we heard from you.

I think it was when you were catching a jewie in the Georges with a squid strip under a float.

Unconventional methods ?

There ain't no such thing as unconventional methods.


Because if we used the term conventional, then the 90% of the people (who catch 10% of the fish) would be the convention.

Wouldn't it ?

Then that means the 10% of the fishos (that catch 90% of the fish) are the un-convention....

So to speak.

Pioneers throw rulebooks out the window and make their own rules.

They experiment and find things out that others dont.

Hence the un-conventional approach.

I have a friend who does things like this.

One day, he was on the north peak, trying for kingies.

The entire peak was dead.

He put down a large octopus tentacle near the bottom.

...and got a 10kg jew.

He did it again.

...and got another one.

Another time he put out a whole dead bonito on 24kg tackle on the kurnell waverider buoy.

...and got a 20kg dolphinfish...

mind you I once fished with him on my boat at the peak.

The kingies were on - I bagged out quickly and he couldn't even get one....

Go figure...

but the point is you gotta try new strategies when the chips are down.

I'm surprised someone of your knowledge and experience on the jew front didn't turn a reel.

Bad luck on the jew but well done on a cracker reddie.

It won't be long before you're hoisting a metre plus king....

What's after that Jimmy?


Edited by Keflapod
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