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Land based fly fishing spots near sydney

pura vida

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Depending on what you are after you can fly fish for carp in Parramatta river using bread flies or wooly buggers, flathead in Lane Cove and Parra river with clousers can also get the occasional whiting on clousers to. And bream will hammer a bread fly if you burley up with bread, I learn't this when going for mullet, the bream also like small flies like baited breaths or shrimp patterns. I tend to look for sand flats that are almost exposed at low tide and fish them on a falling tide.


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Manly Dam for its bass, the upper Georges for EP's Nepean for bass as well as the Narraben lake, I do well in the Cooks fishing upstream nyphm style ie cast into the current and strip towards me! Using shrimp patterns fr bream and weed flies for luderick! Then theres the day trips up to the Coxs and TCD as well as the lower fish or Pejar Dam down south theres also trout in the Southern Highlands exactly where I cannot tell you!



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