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Botany Bay 13th Cobwebs Gone


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Well I finally had a few days off, with the first day getting everything out of storage, spools refilled and boat prepped for a 4.30 departure from home to be at the foreshore ramp by 6.00.

Checked everything over twice before launching the boat, setup the rods with a popper, blade and soft plastic.

Decided to drift between Kurnell and Tarren Pt. Got some new nanofil and decided to see how it cast's. Tied on my favourite Jackall Chubby. Cast (guide wrap) and ping, laters chubby. Last visual sighting heading towards the second runway :flying:


Hooked up on a nice size flatty, got it to the side of the boat, headshake and gone. Oh well.

Tied on an Ecogear Aquabream Prawn and managed to hook up this little bloke, after a quick pose with the hat and a photo, put him back in the water. They put up a good fight on light gear.


The Ecogear Prawn are a VERY SOFT plastic, basically one fish and its put on a new one. Not as hardy as the GULP shrimp.

Wind started to pick up so I decided to head around Woolaware Bay. Noticed a sand bar with rock bombies encrusted with oysters. Also noticed a lot of silver flashes of bream feeding on the incoming tide. Decided to flick the old Ecogear SX40 and came up with my VERY FIRST bream on lure:


Again after a quick photo shoot, it was returned to the seas. Was sight casting to the silver flashes, cast the SX40 and this time lost the lure on the oysters :05:

Not bad after nearly 12 months of no fishing. Home by 1.00pm and spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning my gear and boat. I know they are only 2 fish and small ones at that, by I am stoked and will submit for COTM :1prop:



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Nice little Bream there. Is the nanofil worth getting for soft plastic purposes?

Not yet decided. I have been using power pro for a while and it has been good, very little wind knots. I do seem to get a LOT of guide wraps though, but that may be my retrieve style??

I would love to try the new Fuji "K" guides, but it would cost big $$$ to get the rods changed over :1yikes:

If you are happy using your existing line, I probably would not go out and buy it. I needed to fill some spare spools so decided to give it a shot. It is VERY hard to tie with light leaders, almost always break :1badmood:

Thank you for the replies.



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Congrats on your very first breambo on lure, Rob! :yahoo: There will be many more to come, I'm sure. Love the hat in the photo, but are you sure that color suits you? :074:

Best wishes to the family as always. Waiting to catch up for a drink ...



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Thanks for the replies guys. Just got back from a trip, so sorry have not been able to reply until now. It was nice to get out. The little bream put up a great fight on the light gear, trying to snap me off on the oysters :biggrin2:

It is amazing to see the number of good size fish swimming about to darting around the weed beds etc. Frustrating knowing they are there, but not being able to hook up.

Iceman, yep about 12 months ago :thumbdown: I tried recalling everything you told me, sp selection and position. Far from being as successful that you were that day, you are a fish magnet :1prop: Will need to organise another session or 3, this time I will remember to bring my net :tease:

Dory and Hodgey, glad you like the hat :biggrin2: Not my normal fishing hat, for some reason my hat has gone missing, purchased that a few trip ago to you know where for my son. It works though, especially when you are follically challenged like me :074:

My trip to Tuross might not happen on my "days off" due to the "problems" the opposition are having, so have been asked to possibly work as needed :1badmood: will have to see.

I really need to live closer to the water. Nothing worse than going to work at Botany heading off on a trip and seeing the water like glass and heaps of boats out :ranting2:



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Iceman, yep about 12 months ago :thumbdown: I tried recalling everything you told me, sp selection and position. Far from being as successful that you were that day, you are a fish magnet :1prop: Will need to organise another session or 3, this time I will remember to bring my net :tease:

Yeah no probs Rob See if we can tee up on some of my flexi mondays

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