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Broken Bay Salmon


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I have not managed to get out for the last 6 weeks so it was great to be out in Broken Bay last sunday even if it was pretty lumpy :wacko: Last time I was out my mate and I saw a load of birds working and got pretty fire up when we got closer to see some decent salmon whipping the water into a froth :thumbup: We threw slugs, hardbodies and a variety of plastics at them and as heart wrenching as it was could not get a hook up.

This last trip was different - we found the shoal again and I have never seen so many decent salmon in one place and they were all right on the top with every individual fish visible, it really was unbelievable :yahoo: Again I threw a number of lures at them with no joy and positioning the boat was pretty hard to i) get ahead of the shoal and ii) get the wind off my back. Anyway I was pretty sure that we were not going to crack it (again) when we tied on some tiny see through plastics and(when we could get a good cast in) the results were instant with six or seven fish swiping at the lures every cast before one of them managed to nail it. Great fun on light flick sticks, we will definately be looking for them next time :1fishing1:

Here are a couple of pics of the boys with their fish

post-13472-096245100 1319020101_thumb.jpgpost-13472-091237100 1319020118_thumb.jpg


Edited by Robofish
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