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Hey Raiders,

Ive been doing some night time squidding sessions lately, but I dont think ive been going to the right places. I know the places I go can produce during the day, yet at night there is no light at all and from my experience no active squid either.

Just hoping if any raider can point me out a few good night time spots for squid. All PM's are welcome as I really wanna get into squid fishing to help out with me jew/king sessions. Ill be more then happy if anyone can lend me a few spots, dont even have to be secrets just some good squidding spots.

Even if any raider wants to do a night session collecting some squid for bait or a feed be more then happy, saves me going on my own.

Any help is much appreciated,

Cheers Raiders,


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Guest Aussie007

jez a good spot is wallys wharf in port hacking it gets crowded but if your in early and get a spot get the left front corner of the wharf and cast towards the closes moored boat let the jig sink and u will be onto squid after squid :biggrin2:

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Guest Aussie007

Does anyone know of a small wharf next to a old surf life saving club in the hacking. I went there twice about 4 years ago and cant remember where it is. Used to get a few squid there.

lugarno avenue burraneer that is another squidding spot but the tiny wharf gets packed quickly

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Guest Aussie007

Thats the one thanks gazza! are there still squid there? i used to go during the weeks days nice and early so it wasnt too bad.

if no kids have knocked the light out yeah there will be squid there if the light is out nothing will be there not even yakkas typical feeding of the jews lol the light has been smashed a couple of times ive been there and once the light is fixed there are no fish around either there moved (not likely) or the jews have moved in and hammered them in the darkness takes a few weeks for the fish to build up around there again

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Lugano avenue, Ive been there a few times, it always has little green eyes, you can never get them tho, you do however get the rogue arrow come along. The first time I was under the impression from a newbie fishing mate that, they were a plague there when he went.

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Guest Aussie007

Lugano avenue, Ive been there a few times, it always has little green eyes, you can never get them tho, you do however get the rogue arrow come along. The first time I was under the impression from a newbie fishing mate that, they were a plague there when he went.

me, my cousin and a mate use to hit the hacking hard around 4-5 times a week for hours squidding lugarno avenue is only good for huge squid its close to the heads and does hold mostly the green eyed calamari but u can catch nice long arrows there my cousin has caught a whopper calimari there his biggest to date u can often see the huge squid swimming around under the light around the wharf there often keen to take a jig but u only get a chance or two than they go shy and dispensary just beyond the light over the weed to catch the squid at this spot u just need to dangle the jig 2 foot in front of them its that easy lol the pike are also fun to catch with a hard body lure they often take the first few cast if no one else has been there for a few hours than the pike go shy

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