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The Entrance & Lake Macquarie

Catchin Jack

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Hey Raiders,

Thought i'd share a little info regarding what's biting up the northern end of central coast if you're heading up this way over weekend.

The Entrance + beach

flathead, bream and whiting coming on, baits used are live worms and prawns and chicken, flathead are responding best to soft plastics between 3-5". The beach is still getting salmon and there's been some good size jew caught also off the beach, mostly fresh squid being used and getting the results.

Lake Macquarie

bream, flathead, tailor, whiting, salmon, blackfish & jew. The lake is productive but as usual you have to work the lake to find the fish, There's a lot of small fish around and they're munching away at your baits as usual, southern end of lake has been best, the drop off at end of channel ok on run in tide, salts bay is good for bream and trevally around Lucy's breakwall end of channel. Outside they've been getting nice snapper close in around the reefs. There's a few squid around at usual haunts, jetties with lighting.

Mixed baits and lures are the go, it's hit and miss and trial and error.

Good luck if you head out for a fish.

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North Entrance beach they're getting them, a good method for getting them is casting out and letting the current carry your bait along beach, bit of walking involved but it's a proven way of getting them there, most people just cast out, stick rod in a holder and stay in the one spot, you need to cover some ground there.

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about 500m north of where channel meets ocean. But anywhere from a 100m to what I said is pretty safe.

Also, Blacksmiths breakwall is firing, cast parallel to beach from end of breakwall, there's a little reef system near there that is a livey ground, it's basically out front of surf club.

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I've caught several near the mouth, As Fezza said most of the time you have to cover quite a bit of area until you find them, But i usually catch mine during the run out right near the mouth.

Last one i caught there was with a 30cm live whiting and that fish went just over 16kg.

Another good bait is live tube worms, Feed the worms up your trace, I've caught several jewies off that, but majority would be around 5-8kg.

Anyways hope this helps. Good Luck

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