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Tackle for trip


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Well, I am lucky enough to be travelling to northern queensland to an island just of mission beach. I have the place and a boat to myself for a week. Now, for the topic title. I am taking with me a shimano tyrnos overhead and tcurve deep jig 200, 50lb braid. Also a daiwa saltist 4500 on the same stick and line a Stella 4000 fe on a loomis 12-22lb stick with 30lb braid. Tackle is plenty of 5 inch and 7 inch shads, some metal slugs, lots of 7/0 hooks down to 1/0, spare trebled, some rapala magnums, plenty of leader, 40lb wire traces and some other small items such as sinkers etc. I will target queens, trevally , reef fish, tuna and about anything else that bites. If any one has any exp at this as mine is only limited to a few charters up north the help would be much appreciated on what to take that I have missed as I want it to be a crackerof a trip.

Any extra ideas on tackle etc to take please reply.

Thanks Andrew.

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