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Another day causing sambos in Broken Bay


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Had another great day chasing some big schools of salmon all the way from lion island down right towards the mouth of the hawkesbury. I think in the end we put 14 on the boat with a few double hookups amongst them. It went like this - we chased them and got into a good position, I would cast a small plastic on a 2-4kg rod into the froth and hook up, pass the rod to my Missus and cast the second light outfit hooking up again almost instantly. There were a few boats in on the act and it must have looked hilarious to anyone watching as we all pounced on the shoal when it popped up. I also had a couple of decent tailor that were mixed in with the sambas and they were all chasing tiny brown colored fry. A great day all up with some very visual fishing and my Missus landed loads- here is a pic of her (if only I could photoshop my hand out of the shot the fish would look massive)3aa3afaa-e1bd-95aa.jpg


Edited by Robofish
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