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Moon phase

Time Bandit

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Hi all, as you can probably guess by the content of this post I'm fairly new to the sport.Have been out (Botany Bay) a few times but have noticed the fish go quiet around the full moon phase. I usually fish at night with reasonable success but it happened again last night/earlly morning......bugger all except for 4 undersize. I have tried using different baits & rigs but they refuse to play the game!!!

Would appreciate anyones feedback or comments.

Cheers, Daniel

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Hey Daniel,

Can you give us some more details on what you believe is a reasonable catch, and the species you target.

Also, what part of the bay, depth and seabed characteristics are prevalent in your spots ?

Having a full moon can mean different things.

For example, if its a clear night and the full moon is very bright, it's a diffferent ball game to those nights when the moon is full but obscured by cloud.

The fishing results would also differ depending on whether you're fishing 0.5m or 5m.

I do a lot of fishing in the bay for bream and whiting and I can give you some hints if these are your target species.

There are also at least half a dozen other fishos on this site who can give similar pointers...

Let us know...


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What fish are you chasing. And what baits

Hi Mackeral, mainly bream, jewies & flathead at the moment.

What fish are you chasing. And what baits

Sorry been using prawns, chicken breast & pilchards

Hey Daniel,

Can you give us some more details on what you believe is a reasonable catch, and the species you target.

Also, what part of the bay, depth and seabed characteristics are prevalent in your spots ?

Having a full moon can mean different things.

For example, if its a clear night and the full moon is very bright, it's a diffferent ball game to those nights when the moon is full but obscured by cloud.

The fishing results would also differ depending on whether you're fishing 0.5m or 5m.

I do a lot of fishing in the bay for bream and whiting and I can give you some hints if these are your target species.

There are also at least half a dozen other fishos on this site who can give similar pointers...

Let us know...


Hi Tony,

Well I hope you like a good chuckle cause “my reasonable catch” consists of one 45cm flattie, one 55cm soapy and a heap of fun (at times) feeding undersize bream, snapper, Taylor etc. I think I was kissed on the “you know what” by a lovely sea fairy the morning I caught the soapy!!

I try the usual spots like the runways, the drums, the hole towards the Novato, Capt Cook Bridge, drifting the shallows towards Monterey & Towra Point. I look for drop-offs. The depth varies from 9 metres to around 3 metres.

It was fairly cloudy last night, plenty of large & small fish on the finder but I must have had a bad case of B.O. I usually fish on my own so maybe I’ve gotten used to the B.O. !!!

Sure would appreciate your hints on the bream & whiting though!

Cheers and thanks

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When the fishing dies abit I like to use live baits squid. Yellowtail. Potty mullet. I'f you can get your hands on some of those baits look out. Fresh squid stripes can't go wrong. Ull find the big bream will smash the poddys. Long story short fresh fresh baits. I always make shore I have live bait out. Lots of those big Jews around

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Hi all, as you can probably guess by the content of this post I'm fairly new to the sport.Have been out (Botany Bay) a few times but have noticed the fish go quiet around the full moon phase. I usually fish at night with reasonable success but it happened again last night/earlly morning......bugger all except for 4 undersize. I have tried using different baits & rigs but they refuse to play the game!!!

Would appreciate anyones feedback or comments.

Cheers, Daniel

Hi daniel ,

Fishing close too and on the full moon is definately going to test your fishing skills.

My experience is quality over quantity coming up to the full moon , night fishing trips.

In saying that my preferance is fishing large baits to suit such as mackeral strips , whole pilchards ( head off)Live worms etc.

I tend to fish in close to the rocks or right on the drop offs into the main channel not in the channel itself and do ok with the bream , flathead , jews .

Also keep the fishing line as fine and as light as possible to suit the spot your fishing.Move around to find the fish .


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Hi Tony,

Well I hope you like a good chuckle cause "my reasonable catch" consists of one 45cm flattie, one 55cm soapy and a heap of fun (at times) feeding undersize bream, snapper, Taylor etc. I think I was kissed on the "you know what" by a lovely sea fairy the morning I caught the soapy!!

I try the usual spots like the runways, the drums, the hole towards the Novato, Capt Cook Bridge, drifting the shallows towards Monterey & Towra Point. I look for drop-offs. The depth varies from 9 metres to around 3 metres.

It was fairly cloudy last night, plenty of large & small fish on the finder but I must have had a bad case of B.O. I usually fish on my own so maybe I've gotten used to the B.O. !!!

Sure would appreciate your hints on the bream & whiting though!

Cheers and thanks

Hi Daniel,

If you're fishing alone at night or very early morning, alone in the boat, silhouettes can certainly look like sea fairies.

But being kissed by one, and on the "only-you-seem-to-know-what" sounds like a good reason on it's own to go out out fishing !

Do you get home at midday with lipstick marks on you ?

You could always explain it away as pilchard smears....

The end of the runways (if you prefer the northern side of the bay) is good for bream and jew at night.

Try to burley pillies and chook pellets and fish a light sinker with a pillie fillet in the trail.

Also throw out whole pillies on heavier gear.

If you have livies, they go out on a heavier sinker to the side of the boat and wait for a jew.

Daniel my experience is on the southern side of the bay during the day so the ball game is different.

Regarding the full moon, tailor are on at night but my experience on jew is they are slow in the bay but active around the headlands.

Keep a strict diary with all your data gathered for the trip and consult it over the years.

It will help you to learn and plan your fishing strategies in future.....


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When the fishing dies abit I like to use live baits squid. Yellowtail. Potty mullet. I'f you can get your hands on some of those baits look out. Fresh squid stripes can't go wrong. Ull find the big bream will smash the poddys. Long story short fresh fresh baits. I always make shore I have live bait out. Lots of those big Jews around

Thanks for that, I have heard of "squid spots" but I haven't found one yet.


Hi daniel ,

Fishing close too and on the full moon is definately going to test your fishing skills.

My experience is quality over quantity coming up to the full moon , night fishing trips.

In saying that my preferance is fishing large baits to suit such as mackeral strips , whole pilchards ( head off)Live worms etc.

I tend to fish in close to the rocks or right on the drop offs into the main channel not in the channel itself and do ok with the bream , flathead , jews .

Also keep the fishing line as fine and as light as possible to suit the spot your fishing.Move around to find the fish .


Thanks Chris, all advice greatly appreciated.


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Hi Daniel,

If you're fishing alone at night or very early morning, alone in the boat, silhouettes can certainly look like sea fairies.

But being kissed by one, and on the "only-you-seem-to-know-what" sounds like a good reason on it's own to go out out fishing !

Do you get home at midday with lipstick marks on you ?

You could always explain it away as pilchard smears....

The end of the runways (if you prefer the northern side of the bay) is good for bream and jew at night.

Try to burley pillies and chook pellets and fish a light sinker with a pillie fillet in the trail.

Also throw out whole pillies on heavier gear.

If you have livies, they go out on a heavier sinker to the side of the boat and wait for a jew.

Daniel my experience is on the southern side of the bay during the day so the ball game is different.

Regarding the full moon, tailor are on at night but my experience on jew is they are slow in the bay but active around the headlands.

Keep a strict diary with all your data gathered for the trip and consult it over the years.

It will help you to learn and plan your fishing strategies in future.....


I’m amazed you and other members have offered advice so freely, I am really grateful to each and every one of you. The “thrill of the hunt” becomes more enticing with each little titbit of knowledge. I just have to find where to get my own live bait.

If anyone wants to come out one night (in good weather) just let me know, you will have to bring ear plugs though because your ears will most certainly get bashed.

Bye the way Tony, sea fairies don’t wear lippy, but I have a hell of a time trying to explain to the missus what the large fish scales are doing in my grundies!

Oh if life was as simple as visits to my shrink, he just pats me on the head and gives me another script!


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Always had luck on the quarter moon, first or last quarter .

On Full moon or dark moon it's not a good idea to go fishing but doesn't mean u r not gonna get fish.

It makes sense as the fish need bit of light to see bait around , at the same time they don't wanna be seen. I learned that from my own experience as I go fishing every week all around syd and the central coast. So when people say full moon is good for fishing I just smile.

Same thing for prawning, then again my opinion.

But after all it's good to be out fishing anytime .

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IMO the full moon brings higher activity

its starts with larger tides, which brings water to parts not wet since last month.

things are going frenzy around the fringes that dont normally get wet

sometimes u catch nothing - sometimes u catch something

but everytime without fail - i see alot more acitivity with regards to bait, and the bottom of the chain

i grew up on a lagoon that u could play cricket on - but when full moon came - out came the kayaks and tackle - i guess it really depends on the environment you fish in

Edited by kulch
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Always had luck on the quarter moon, first or last quarter .

On Full moon or dark moon it's not a good idea to go fishing but doesn't mean u r not gonna get fish.

It makes sense as the fish need bit of light to see bait around , at the same time they don't wanna be seen. I learned that from my own experience as I go fishing every week all around syd and the central coast. So when people say full moon is good for fishing I just smile.

Same thing for prawning, then again my opinion.

But after all it's good to be out fishing anytime .

Thanks, I'm learning!

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IMO the full moon brings higher activity

its starts with larger tides, which brings water to parts not wet since last month.

things are going frenzy around the fringes that dont normally get wet

sometimes u catch nothing - sometimes u catch something

but everytime without fail - i see alot more acitivity with regards to bait, and the bottom of the chain

i grew up on a lagoon that u could play cricket on - but when full moon came - out came the kayaks and tackle - i guess it really depends on the environment you fish in

Thanks to you too Kulch.

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well as for prawning Full moon is usually a waste of time

would you like to have to stand out like a beacon to all your enemies as you raced for freedom?

i think fish are a little the same

so full moons for me mean fishing deep often with bigger baits

full moons also mean larger high/low tides or at least i think more depth between high/low

so great for water movement but more current

ive usually had great luck for pelagics ]tailor] on a full moon

but less luck for your bream flatty etc

cant talk about jews cause i still havnt landed one lol

please gurus correct me if im wrong


ps never give up

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I do find it is alot harder on the full moon especially on the flats i tend to go deeper but i normally dont take notice of the tide or moon just as long as there is some wind around and the water is moving im happy



Thanks for your comtribution Pete, any tips?


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Thanks for your comtribution Pete, any tips?


Mate all of my fishing other than when i go for blackfish is with lures so im not sure if that would help you but ill drift the whole time and work different water levels to see where the fish are at. I fish over alot of weedy areas and i have found they will hang closer into these areas with the larger tides

Basically you work out your own pattern that suits what you do,

Good luck mate


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